Even from now on, we must work hard to befriend China!

In addition to the United States, other countries are no exception!

For a country, there is absolutely no eternal enemy in the world!Especially now that China's fighter jets, China's military power has become the world's number one.

Anyone who is smart also knows that this is definitely not the time to offend China.

The most important thing is that if China has only such a fighter, it is not enough to make people jealous!But the technology is in hand, how much is needed...

This is the time to be frightened.

For a while, these countries saw that the situation was not right and expressed their positions separately.

"We strongly condemn what Tianzhu did!"

"We fully respect everything in Huaxia. Huaxia has its own sovereignty and its own counterattack ability! It is absolutely not allowed to be tainted by other countries!"

"We also express that we will not tolerate what Tianzhu has done!"

At the same time, the United States even asked the United Nations to vote to impose sanctions on Tianzhu as a whole!What for?The purpose is to befriend China.

This time, the head of Tianzhu really cried.

What is meant by internal and external troubles, he has thoroughly realized it.

The problem of water shortage in the country has not been solved!Outside, they were directly destroyed by Huaxia, and they didn't dare to move now, for fear that Huaxia's fighter jets would fly over their heads.

What about the outside world?Those who originally supported him secretly, after realizing the power of Huaxia again, fell into the pit in an instant, Shi Sheng was afraid of offending Huaxia!Not only did no one say anything about the fact that they were cut off by Huaxia, they also wanted to sanction Tianzhu...

It can be said that this is the darkest time in the life of the head of Tianzhu.

He felt that his whole life was filled with despair.

"It's over, it's over! We are finished in Tianzhu..."

There was only one thought in his mind.

Worry about Huaxia, but what if Huaxia let them go?At this 387 step, there is no room for recovery!Whether it is from the inside or the outside, the country of Tianzhu is completely finished.

However, Tianzhu is not finished, no one cares about this!

What is terrifying is that Huaxia's report on this battle!

From the same order to the end of the fighter's return... Only seven and a half minutes!Seven and a half, what does that mean?

The whole world was in a storm.At this time, people from many countries immediately understood why their countries had to show their favor to China with a shy face.

"God, who else can stop Huaxia?"

Before, anti-gravity fighters were less important after the time had passed.This time, they have thoroughly experienced a greater power than they have shown before!The whole world panicked.

As for Huaxia itself?

For them, the strength of the country is the time when they really hold their heads high.

Of course, Jiang Chen also knew all this.

But when he was cheering, cheering and proud with ordinary Chinese people, he and the staff of Ajiusuo did not pay attention to this.

In fact, pre-set conditions have been done.

The entire desert has been washed over!

Now, it's time to make the next move!

The real greening is about to begin! .

Chapter [-] The effect is highlighted

Doing a whole desert greening thing is definitely not a simple thing!Even the prerequisites have been fulfilled!But Jiang Chen was still ready to fight a tough battle.

After all, what is expected is what is expected!

In fact, no one knows what will change!At least Jiang Chen is not too sure.

For the entire greening project, the country has mobilized the strength of two regiments. The strength of these two regiments did not carry any weapons on them. Instead, they were full of shovels and the like.

Two regiments, more than [-] people, all of these people were sent by Jiang Chen.

To put it bluntly, they are here specifically for greening!

In addition to these two regiments, there is even a few planes!These planes are also used for greening!

Also useful.

You know, as far as they are concerned, they must obey Jiang Chen's orders after they have received orders from their superiors.

To put it bluntly, these people completely obeyed Jiang Chen before the greening of the entire desert was completed.

For this, Jiang Chen has nothing to say!After all, the greening of the entire desert would be impossible if he was alone!

Relying on a research institute, that is impossible.

"Academician Jiang, if you have any orders, say it directly! We will do our best to complete it."

The person in charge of the Air Force is a colonel. When facing Jiang Chen, he said so.

Although the task they faced was not a war or something, they were still very excited when they knew the task they were going to do after the superior's order came down.

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