

(Computer: Level 9 EXP: 45717/**)

Languages: 9 Experience: 75714/** (any language system)

Physics: Level 10 EXP: 45644/**

(Material Science: Level 10 Experience: 417124/**)

Chemistry: Level 10 Experience: 457177/**

Creature: Level 9 EXP: 75475/**

Physical Strength: Level 10 Experience: **/** Restores Halo Level 2 experience by 886/1000.

When he saw this scene, Jiang Chen couldn't help but stunned for a moment. He upgraded, really upgraded!Moreover, four items have been promoted to level ten at the same time!

More importantly, there is some more knowledge about the unknown in his mind, and now thinking about it carefully, Jiang Chen is even more convinced that his whole person has changed! .

Chapter [-] New upgrade direction? ? ?

Grade [-] in Physics, Grade [-] in Mathematics!

Materials Science is grade [-], and the same chemistry is grade [-]!

What an incredible scene this is.

In an instant, Jiang Chen came to his senses. He easily discovered that the subjects that he had upgraded were all related to what he had done during this period.

Aerospace industry!

Physics, for example, is used in the construction of launchers and capsules, or in short, at any time.

Mathematics, mathematics is the root of all things!It's definitely not uncommon for it to be used anywhere.

Materials science.

The outer shell of the space capsule is basically created by super alloys. Because of the characteristics of super alloys, a lot of effort wasted when creating the outer shell.

One last chemistry!

This is even simpler.

Fusion technology, chemistry is the main output.

That is to say, because of spaceflight, these projects have been upgraded!However, the capsule has not returned from Mars, so where is the main source of experience for upgrading?

Even Jiang Chen couldn't understand it himself, and before that, he didn't even have any hints of experience.

Of course, simple upgrades are not the point.

After all, the upgrade itself is a good thing, and it turns out to be a good thing, so don't worry about it, it's not worth paying too much attention to why the upgrade is happening!

What really needs attention is why Jiang Chen feels that he has transformed.

It is worth mentioning that this feeling is very real!

From, Jiang Chen's personal whole!

Why did he feel this way? Jiang Chen thought about it carefully and found that it might be related to the knowledge contained in his mind!

Well known.

Upgrading will definitely bring new knowledge.This is the bare minimum!

Therefore, physics, materials science, chemistry, and mathematics have been upgraded to level ten. The knowledge of these disciplines directly gave Jiang Chen an earth-shaking change.

In these four subjects, he knows more and knows more than before!The scope of knowledge involved is also broader.

The problem of the ninth level, in front of the tenth level, is not a problem at all.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't encounter the ninth-level problem.

However, this description is not correct at all.

But even so, it is still not the source of transformation!

The main source of transformation is that Jiang Chen himself is very clear, in addition to knowing the basic advanced knowledge of these disciplines.

It's because he has more in his mind, and the difference is not these types of knowledge.

And this knowledge has no specific limitations!It is not simply limited to which subject or which item.

Rather, it goes beyond the original content.

If Jiang Chen had to describe it, Jiang Chen would not be able to describe how this knowledge should be described.

But what he is clear about is that this knowledge is definitely not purely belonging to the current era.

Most of this knowledge contains technological content.

That is to say, in that moment of upgrade, Jiang Chen learned about the technological knowledge beyond this era!

This is simply incredible.

You must know that no matter what Jiang Chen does, what he has been doing, he has not strayed from the core of the times!

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