My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1817: Overbearing sisters flowers (4)

Qin Chu turned his head and just saw two daughters.

Just listen to Douding and continue to sell Meng said, "Hey, Mommy is not rational, you don't want to be irrational. We don't want to be the chips and cannon fodder that she spoils with you... You can't bear to look at the names of our two sisters. Blame us."

"Qin Dynasty, the Qin dynasty, the dynasty and the hustle and bustle, how lingering, if the two feelings are long-lasting and squatting in the dynasty... I can see that Mommy missed the time at the time... We are both born for you. Back with such a big pot... slamming, so you really have the heart to bully us." Pudding was extremely wronged.

"Hey baby, I know everything... I love you very much, I won't blame you..." Qin Chu is really not going to talk.

"Husband... You are going to betrayed... I have a battle with them... There is no more principle." Huo Mian was speechless.

"Wife... This is also your own ah... you just let them both, hehe." Qin Chu gentle comfort.

Huo Mian:......

"Very well, the three of you are waiting for me... I will wait until I get off work."

In the end, Qin Chu and his two daughters had a front line, and Huo Mian was alone and unable to fight, and hangs up the video call.

"Hey? Mommy is angry?" Douding was a little worried.

"No, she just deliberately plays with the temper of a child, and looks at it. I hope that I can marry her... Women... there will be a little trick..."

"Well, I have to learn this trick, and I will deal with Su Shuai in the future." Douding laughed badly.

Huo Mian was busy in the company for a day, and when he was off work, Huo Mian could not sit still.

Look at the watch frequently...

"Huo, what's wrong? Do you have anything in the evening?" Bella wondered.

"Is there any arrangement tonight?"

"Only one dinner is not particularly important."

"Oh, let Zhixin go for me." Huo Jin said slowly.


"Amount... Bella, actually... I want to leave early..." Huo Mian said, swallowing.

Bella: ...

"You are the president, you are willing to take a few points to go... not to mention that it is so serious, haha." Bella thinks that Huo is really a little girl's mind, more and more cute.

"That's not so good... After all, this is my job."

"It's okay, go, Huo, we understand you, Qin always just came back, you will inevitably have more couples to reunite." Bella snickered.

"That... you stare at me, there is something to call me directly."

"it is good."

With Bella, Huo Jin directly rushed downstairs without any psychological burden, and then drove straight to the home.

On the way, I received a call from Jiang Xiaowei.

"Small sleep, are you still at the company?"

"No, I am off work, just going home, on the road."

"Oh... is it convenient for you to come to the first hospital?"

"Xiao Wei, what's wrong?" Huo Mian heard the first hospital, there is a bad feeling of faint.

"Small sleep... Su is sick, do you know?"

"Sick? When?" Humami gave a slight glimpse, holding the steering wheel, and paused.

"I have already been admitted to the hospital. I just received a call from Wei Liao. They have all passed by Tang Chuan. Su Aunt also went."

"Xiao Wei, what is Su Yu? Is it serious?" Huo Mian asked worriedly.

Just thinking about how to comfort Su Yu, he is ill, and a man who is so strong is also so vulnerable.

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