My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1829: Holmes scandal (six)

“Let the company issue a statement that Mo Xueer’s drug use is purely personal. Now she is on vacation, and everything she does is not related to the company...”


An hour later, the Holmes Group Public Relations Department issued a statement.

At first glance, the team is operating, a very official text.

Probably the meaning is that Mo Xueer is a matter of his own, Huo always does not know, the company does not know.

This falling downhole stone, Mo Xueer did not have a living road, the wall was pushed down by everyone.

The actresses who used to have hatred with Mo Xueer, ran out of heat, no matter how many lines.

Mo Xueer’s indiscriminate bombing, all kinds of sarcasm, all kinds of explosive materials, a lot of news, true and false is difficult to distinguish.

Among them, the most concerned is Jane. As a sister of Xinghuang, she will naturally not be let go of the media.

On the way back to the night, Jane was blocked by a large number of reporters at his doorstep.

She walked down from her lord of Rolls-Royce, stepping on seven-inch high heels and acting gracefully.

"Miss Jane... What do you think about Moxue’s drug abuse?"

"I am sorry, I am not familiar with Miss Mo, I will not go to the heat when she is in the scenery, nor will she step on her when she is in trouble. It may disappoint you. I really have no news here."

"Miss Jane... Now that Mo Xueer has fallen into negative news, looking at the domestic entertainment industry, no one can surpass your position yet? Is there any new plan for Xinghuang next?"

"Sorry, I really don't know, I am listening to the company's arrangement... Thank you all."

Unexpectedly, Jane was very low-key this time, and did not take the opportunity to go up, or speculation.

After walking through the reporter's congestion, Jane opened the door and entered the room.

The assistant immediately took the bag and coat in her hand.

"Hey, I think this time we can take the opportunity to speculate, why do you want to keep a low-key... We missed a good opportunity... Then again, Mo Xueer was so crowded with you, even if you broke the news, it is normal. She must not be able to turn over. You didn’t see Huo’s severing relationship with her?”

"What do you know, I don't want to be so high-profile now... You don't understand the truth of shooting a bird. Besides... Su always doesn't like women who are too high-profile..."

After that, Jane turned to the floor... The assistant was dumb, it seems that Miss Jane has not given up her feelings for Su.

Early morning

Huo Mian woke up from his sleep and still did not fully recover his consciousness.

Qin Chu has a heavy kiss on her forehead...

Last night, the two people could be said to have tossed half a night... Huo Mian only felt that after he had given birth to a child, his physical strength could not be achieved.

Actually, the back pain can not be under the bed.

"Huo, get up... you should go to work."

"President Nick... Do you really want to squeeze your subordinates like this?" Huo Mian chuckled.

"It's not about crushing subordinates. You can't afford to see me. I am just a family cook who relies on my wife to make money and eat soft rice. It is my job to take my children to cook for my wife."

"Amount... Ok, Qin Daren, you won."

Huo Mian knows that Qin Chu is especially cherished with them.

After she got up, she suddenly thought of something. She smiled and asked, "How much has Huo’s shares dropped this morning?"

"Seven percent of the point... is still falling."

"Perfect... I think Horsham can still sit still?" For the first time, Huo Mian only felt that his heart was much more happy.

What she hates most is to see Hoshych's smug face.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning... his face will look better and better." Qin Chu raised his mouth slightly.

The wind of the king with the winner...

Huo Mian only felt that the man like the emperor who was deeply in love had returned...

"Please... you don't want to look at me with that kind of look, I can't stand it." Qin Chu looked at Huo Mian gently, then slowly approached her.

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