My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1870: Provocative Huo Siqian (seven)

"Hey, our little bean yoghurt, it’s a set of..." Yang Meirong couldn’t laugh.

"Qin Hao, please don't use your set of fallacies, to fool you into the ground... After all, he is still simple, haven't seen your true face... You are so arrogant to find reasons for your own greed, really good ??Huo Mian swept his daughter.

"This has been discovered by Mommy... Haha, I am playing with a funny voice, how can I be so self-defeating, after all... fat man is not spring."

Qin Chu: ...

He found that he was really old, and the logic of the two children's thinking was too strong. Sometimes he made him stunned.

Just as everyone was about to finish eating, the pudding came downstairs in a white cotton nightdress.

On the long black hair, with a red Mickey headband, very cute.

The bean pudding and the pudding are exactly the same, inheriting the excellent genes of Qin Chu, and the value is very high.

But what makes people instantly distinguish them is their character and gas field.

Doudou always smiles, eyes smile like crescents, and sells cute.

The pudding is always ridiculous and has a lot of thoughts.

"Hey, my sister is down." Douding looked at the opening.

Qin Chu is somewhat gratified. It seems that the child wants to understand...

"Miss Pudding, just down, just have dinner." Li Shu likes these two children very much.

"Thank you, Grandpa Li." Pudding politely greeted the butler.

Then come over...

"Pudding, the grandmother came here, Grandma said to you, the sepals tonight are very delicious, are you eating the most crispy slices?"

"Grandma, I will wait to eat again." Pudding finished, slowly and toward Huo Mian.

Doudou lowered his voice and opened his mouth in Qin Chu. "I guess my sister would apologize to Mummy."

"This is still used by you to say, is it necessary to continue to fight with your mommy?" Qin Chu spoiled the tip of the tip of the bean.

"Mummy..." Pudding whispered.

"Well." Huo Mian also responded with a touch of faintness.

"Mummy...this morning's thing...sorry." The little pudding was still a child, so when I was sorry to say three words, there were already tears in my eyes.

At the moment when the pudding opened an apology, Huo Mian’s heart was completely softened.

After all, she is a relative who is pregnant in October. She is more distressed than anyone else.

But she can't indulge her because she loves her. Huo Mian still has her own principles.

"Pudding, do you know where you are wrong?"

"I shouldn't have such a big emotion to drop the phone."

"There is only one of the mobile phones, and what?" Huo Mian looked at her daughter sideways and looked very serious.

"I shouldn't be like Su Shuai and that woman...I don't like her, but I shouldn't be so rude.... After all, that's what Su Shuai brought back."

"That's right, you are so good with Uncle Su, Mommy understands, Su Shushu has a girlfriend, you don't like Mommy to understand, but... you can't be so rude... with aggressiveness to others... and You also brought this bad mood back home and brought it to our family, Douding, Daddy and Mommy..."

"I really know that I am wrong... I will control my emotions in the future, I will not drop things, but also ask Mommy not to be angry with me..."

Having said that, the tears of the pudding have stopped falling...

In fact, the child is also very wronged...

Huo Mian was also uncomfortable in his heart, and immediately reached out and picked up the pudding on his lap.

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