My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1875: Feng Shui turns (2)

"I am a woman who likes Su Yu for several years." Su Yu said one word.

"Then I am of course blessed... After all, I don't want you to be alone."

"Well... I understand, thank you for telling me so much."

After that, Su Yu’s turning around...

Every time he doesn't know what is going on, or what he wants, he wants to ask for an answer here.

But every time Huo Mian finished, he felt that his heart was sad...

In the words of Wei Liao, this is a typical search for abuse...

After Su Yu left, Huo Mian returned to the ward to accompany Ni Yang and Chen Jie for a small meeting, while chatting and waiting for Qin Chu.

Downstairs, when Qin Chu bought the smoke back, he took out a piece of his mouth.

As I walked, I felt a faint footstep behind me...

He jerked around and saw that he didn't know where a strange man emerged, wearing a black baseball uniform.

With a baseball cap, he still has a bright dagger in his hand.

According to Qin Chu, it was tied down...

Fortunately, Qin Daren responded quickly enough, and all of a sudden, the man's movements were crisp, and at first glance it was to practice the family.

He saw that the attack failed, and immediately came again for the second time...

He specifically chose this person to start in a less remote place, in order to be able to set Qin Chu to death.

Qin Chu spit out the cigarette in his mouth and beat him with a man...

The man is obviously also prepared, and his strength is very strong. Qin Chu does not dare to neglect. Every movement is very dodging.

Because he knows that the knife fell, it must be fatal.

In the past four years in the United States, he has learned a lot of fighting techniques for re-examination, although it will be.

But now it can be said that it is a bit higher...

Otherwise, it won’t be with the bodyguards of Hugh Sleep.

Just when the man once again rushed, Qin Chu reached out and pisted a pistol, aiming at the man.

The man suddenly stopped the action...

"Who sent you?" Qin Chu asked coldly.

That person doesn't say anything...

"Huo Siqian?" Qin Chu asked.

After hearing the name of Huo Siqian, the man was as crazy as the gun in Qin Chu’s hand.

Qin Chu pulls the trigger...

Because it is a special silencer pistol, there is no sound...

Did not attract the attention of the people around, Qin Chu shot at the wrist of the man.

The dagger suddenly fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.

The man just had to use another hand to squat, and he was trampled on by Qin Chu...

"Oh...." He made a painful voice.

Qin Chu slowly squatted and picked up the dagger he had fallen.

"Horschch wants you to kill me?"

"You have a small set of words, you want to kill and kill, oh... you are such a big person, presumably will not kill people... After all, your life is more valuable than us." The man sneered.

"Horschmi should not know that you are coming to kill me, right?" Qin Chu picked up the dagger and played, slowly asked.

The expression of the man suddenly became stiff... It seems that Qin Chu is right.

"But you are daring to kill me in order to be alone with the master table. I will not kill you."

The man looked at Qin Chu with a slight glance, and did not seem to know what Qin Chu was thinking.

"But... I can't let you go so easily..." After that, Qin Chu grabbed his knife and used the dagger to pierce the palm of his hand...

That person is also a man, and he is not shouting out...

Blood donation goes to his palm DC...

His pain is sweating...

Looking at the dagger directly in the center of his hand... that tastes, life is better than death.

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