My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1877: Feng Shui turns (4)

"Who is Qin Chu... He used to be bad, but not to mention this time... I don’t want you to do it, not because you are afraid of him, because it’s not a good time to start... Do you think that? I want to keep him? But killing Qin Chu must go through a careful plan... And now it seems that he is very vigilant and does not say that his own skills are also very good... Ali’s stupid goods are not opponents at all. Can you kill him with a broken dagger? He carries all the world’s top military equipment with him, and the pistol is enough for you to die N times. If he wants to kill Ali, we will not see anyone. ""

"He doesn't dare to kill, is he afraid that things will be revealed?"

"Idiot, there are 10,000 ways for Ali to live without seeing a dead person... It’s like I have a million ways to plant him easily... Don’t take your pig brain and think about your opponent. ""

"Yes, yes, the boss said."

"What are you doing, are you dead? Are you still looking for a doctor, and everyone will die..."

Huo Siqian has not been so angry for a long time, it is really mad at this group of rice barrels...

"Yes Yes Yes."

Hand trotting, please come to a private doctor who often uses it.

After doing surgery for Ali for more than four hours, I carefully pulled out the dagger.

"Mr. Huo, the surgery is over."

Huo Siqian nodded and took out a large envelope, which was all in US dollars and handed it to the doctor.

"Dr. Zhao, I don't want to spread it today."

"Mr. Huo rest assured, I must keep my mouth shut."

"how is he?"

"It's no big deal, but the right hand... has been abolished, it can't be used hard, it can't be cold, so be careful to heal."

"Okay, I know." Horsham nodded.

After leaving the doctor, he came back and saw that Ali was awake.

"Old... board... sorry...."

Ali's voice is very weak.

"Don't apologize to me, I don't have such a stupid person, wait for you to hurt a little, I will give you a sum of money, you leave here."

"Boss... I don't want money, I just follow you."

"Your hand has been abolished, what can I do with me later?" Huo Siqian looked at him indifferently.


"Don't say anything, I really didn't expect you to be so arrogant when you followed me for five years. I am very disappointed with you..."

Huo Siqian turned around and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Boss... I will find a way to help you tie Miss Huo."

Ali knows the boss's wish, so he tries to use this to make a sin.

Hearing that he said so, Huo Xiqian eagerly turned back.

"You have to dare to sleep, I will make you a meat sauce."

After that, Hoss is not humbly, and turns to the floor...

"Lee brother, don't say it, you should raise your wounds. The boss has a very bad mood recently. I can't sleep well for several days."

If you can kidnap Hum sleep with a tough attitude, then what is the cost of his years?

Huo Siqian has always believed that he should give him a chance.

He will definitely let Xiaomian fall in love with her instead of forcing her to follow her.

"Qin Chu... You hurt my hand, this is a naked provocation, is it? Very good... We play slowly, the wind and water turn, see who will die first..." Huo Siqian sneered I touched the door with a click.

A little busy on Monday morning, the twins followed Su Yu to the golf course.

Qin Chu was invited to attend a large charity bazaar.

Huo Mian came out early in the company, and listened to Bella saying that someone wanted to see her.

She is wondering who will come to the company to find her? I saw a pretty figure walking into her office.

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