My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1902: Twins vs. Green Tea 婊 (9)

"Okay, baby, you ask." Although Jane is mad at the heart, it must be pretending to be light and windy.

At least in front of Su Yu, like a goddess...

"That is to say... the movie that you released before, I watched the film review... There is passion and joke... So when your actors filmed, are they fake?"

Just after the words of Bean Ding, a tea spouted in Su Yu’s mouth...


Get it, the pudding picked up the paper towel and wiped the corner of the Soviet Union. "You are a lot of adults, and you still play with water."

Su Yu:...

Qin Chu is also a look of embarrassment, do not know what to say.

Huo Mian is directly covering her face with her hands. I really don't want to admit that these two little metamorphosis are her birth.

After listening to this question, Jane’s face is green.

But still tolerant, "Doudou, you are still small... can not ask such esoteric questions."

"So it is very likely that it is really embarrassing ... wow, that Su Shuai is good, is your boyfriend not always green?" Douding deliberately exaggerated.

Qin Chu: ...

Huo Mian:......

Su Yu:...

"Sister... When we learned the Tang poetry and Song poetry, Wang Anshi had a poem saying... It’s in the mouth, I can’t remember it...” Douding looked at the pudding.

The pudding ate a bite of green vegetables, and it was extremely calm. "The spring breeze is on the south bank of the Green River, and when the moon is shining."

"The right pair... the spring breeze and the green on the south bank of the Green River... Su Shuai, you want fire."

"Amount... What does it have to do with me?" Su Yu is completely a slap in the face.

However, Huo Mian knows that the twins deliberately run on Jane and feel that they are too much.

Immediately stop speaking, "You two will give me a meal, don't be rude to Jane."

"Mummy, don't be nervous, these problems I saw on a website review, netizens said so." Douding looked innocent.

"If this is the case, then you will not go online to see the messy things in the future. The quality of the netizens is very low. You can't learn anything good with them." Jane screamed and smiled.

"Jane Auntie, don't be excited... I will explain two points to you. First, I am called Bean Ding. I am not a pudding... The pudding is there, thank you, the second... Although the netizens sometimes have rude words and deeds, their power cannot be underestimated. If your movie is released, there is no way for them to go to see the reviews. It is very likely that you will lose one of the underwear. The water can carry the boat and the boat can be overturned. Jane Aunt heard that you did not read the university before the debut. High school It’s still not the last thing. It’s not easy. When you’re not filming in the future, I suggest you read more books...nothing...”

For the first time, Douding has such a long story...

Humble sleep should think that this is a pudding possession? Is it completely different from her usual selling mess?

Jane was accused by a three-year-old child of reading less, and tens of thousands of alpacas rushed in her heart, and did not dare to arrogant.

Just throw out an internal injury...

"Doudou... I think you two are eating too much, let's go home."

Qin Chu feels that if he continues to indulge, he may be hospitalized for a short period of time, and he will not be able to make a living.

So I looked at the time and I was about to take the two daughters away.

"Well, oh..."

Qin Chu’s words are very powerful. Both the pudding and the pudding got up and ran over...

Directly into the Qin Chu Huaizhong, seeing Su Yu's heart is really a little bit jealous.

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