My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1905: My aunt is Qin Ning (2)

"So... do we want to act?"

"You go ahead, I think."

"Yes, boss."

After the man quit, Yan Ruoxuan looked a little excited and stepped forward.

"Humble... You can't put down sleep, it's been a few years..."

"This thing has nothing to do with you..."

"How is it okay... You like her, and I like you... Modest, the biggest pain in the world is to like someone who doesn't like yourself, it will be very tired... I am tired, you are more tired... Su Yu Also tired...Huo Mian has Qin Chu... This is something that the whole world knows... Why are you still stupid, even the usual daily you have to follow up the investigation... You don’t think this is a very abnormal behavior ?"

Because there is no concealment, when she heard that Huo Xi’s daily routine, Huo Siqian, had to follow up, it was really the whole person who collapsed.

"Go out..."

"No, I have to say... Huo Mian, what is it worthy of your favorite? What are you doing..."

"Yan Ruojun... Shut up, then get out, immediately, right away."

When Huo Siqian wrote this sentence, his face was already very difficult to see...

He promised that if it wasn't because of Ruo Ruoxuan and the mayor's father, he would really throw her out of the upstairs, and would not be so polite to her.

And Ruo Ruoxuan seems to have never seen the arrogant side of Hoschin.

After all, even if I am impatient, I am still polite to her, so I am not aware of the seriousness of the matter.

I’m still arrogant and then say...

"I said these are good for you, don't know what to do..."

Her words did not speak, and I saw Hoss humbly and got up from his seat.

Pulling her hair straight out, it’s extremely rude.

The whole person's face is cold, and the gaze is with the ultimate tyranny.

"Ah... you let go, it hurts... modest, you hurt me."

Yan Ruozhen has no food defense...

I only felt that the scalp was so painful that the whole person was dragged out by Huo Siqian like a doll.

Then slammed it out to the floor outside the door...

When you look at it, you don’t have any feelings at all. If you fall, you will be dizzy.

"Take this woman out of me, without my order, don't let me see her again, that's it."

After that, Hossohn slammed the door and locked it...

Yan Ruoxi was so scared that his face was bloodless...

With her usual familiar start, some sympathy came over and helped to get strict.

"Miss Yan, you should go quickly, the boss is not in a good mood recently."

"Hawsworth, he... is this always the case?" Yan Ruoyi was somewhat stunned.

"Not often, but really at this time, we don't dare to provoke, it's you don't challenge the boss's patience..."

When Huo Siqian’s hand said, he would support Yan Ruoqi and go downstairs.

"He...just seems to have changed a person." Yan Ruoxi said to himself.

The face under his hand changed slightly, but he was not talking.

Before Hughing intended to go to the United States, he met with Lingling and Xiaowei three families.

However, the tolerance was high, and Gao Boyuan just caught up with the cold, which led to abortion.

One week later

Qin Chu Huo Mian took the twins and set foot on the plane to the United States.

This time is already December...

It’s time to count the time, to spend Christmas in the United States, so I only choose these days.

Huo Mian began to be particularly unaccustomed, and his long-distance plane also had a notebook to handle official duties.

Finally, Qin Chu couldn't stand it, directly confiscated the notebook and put on the blindfold for Huoming.

"Oh... work for me, you will sleep soon, your eyes will soon change to pandas, and your parents may not recognize them when they see you."

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