My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1911: My aunt is Qin Ning (eight)

"Why don't you talk? Isn't that what I said?" Pudding asked.

"No, you are right, pudding..." Su Yu perfunctory.

"Where is it?" The pudding is not rude.

"Amount... Your aunt is beautiful, beautiful is not enough." Su Yu is also drunk.

Qin Ning suddenly cheeks slightly red... How can an unfamiliar stranger say that she is beautiful with her first video?

This feeling is really embarrassing.

"Budding... Well, don't be embarrassed by your Su Shuai..." Qin Ning did not dare to let the Pudding continue.

"Well... since the little aunt has said this, then I will let you go." The pudding finally relented.

Before he even said anything, Douding suddenly overthrew the mobile phone.

"Su Shuai... Do you want me?"

"Think, of course, think." Su Yu looked at the round peas, and his eyes were thick.

"Then you want me to be a little more, or I want my sister to be a little more..."

Su Yu has a black line...

Come again, this terrible problem, he has answered the phobia.

"Of course I miss you as much."

"No... I want you to say, who wants to be a little more?" Douding is very popular.

Pudding looked at her on the sidelines, knowing that Su Yu must answer positively. After all, it is not good to offend anyone.

Sure enough, Su Yu’s words turned, “Doudou, Uncle Su wants to go out, something to do, very anxious... I’m going to send you back, ha, you and my sister are fun... I will miss you every day. of."


Waiting for the Bean Ding to continue to ask, Su Yu quickly hangs up the video call.

"Really... you know how to run, and the president... coward." Douding complained.

Pudding is too lazy to take care of her sister's boring mood...

Turned around and asked Qin Ning, "Little aunt, just with us video is Su Shuai, do you know who Su Shuai is?"

"Amount... I heard a little about her, is the president of Xinghuang?"

"Well, how is he growing?"

The pudding continues to go straight...

"Fortunately...." Qin Ning gave a conservative answer.

"Don't you think that his high value is not temperament, is the clothing very good?"

Qin Ning: ...

"Pudding... I am not familiar with this person, so you let me say, I can't say it."

"It doesn't matter, I will be familiar with it later."

"Hey... what does this mean?" How does Qin Ning always feel a little weird?

"It doesn't mean anything... well, don't think too much... yes, little aunt, grandparents at home?"

"Well... they have been looking forward to it for a long time, especially Grandpa. I heard that you are back, the spirit is much better..."

"Is Grandpa coming back?"

"Your grandfather is still in New York, will come back tomorrow, let go, let you see."


The two little hoes were not idle all the time, asked this to ask that, and Qin Ning also explained the patience to the two babies.

The car drove for more than an hour and finally stopped at a private beach.

Here is the famous wealthy district. I heard that there are many American rich and even a few Hollywood superstars.

Hawaii, a beautiful landscape all year round, is a great place for tourists from all over the world to take a holiday.

The Qin family villa was a garden that Qin Ning’s father bought in the early years, and then Qin Ning said that the original old house was too horrible.

It was directly overthrown and rebuilt, and it cost over 100 million yuan to finally create this four-storey villa.

Each window is floor-standing, and each room is the best view of the sea.

There is a swimming pool in front, a garden behind, and an underground garage and bar, which is extremely elegant.

After getting off the bus, the pedestrian went inside...

When she opened the door, Mrs. Qin was holding fruit in the living room and heard the opening of the door. She turned her head.

Seeing that Huo Mian walked in, Mrs. Qin’s eyes were moist for a moment...

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