My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1930: Twins lost (seven)

At this time, a black man climbed up on the ground and staggered toward Qin Chu.

The face toward Qin Chu was a punch. He thought that Qin Chu would not escape because his acquaintance had a gun in his hand.

But who knows, Qin Chu hides very sensitively, he punches empty and once again kneels on the ground.

"Mom... dare to move, kill you..."

The white man holding the pistol is a shot at Qin Chu...

Scared that Huo Xin’s heart would jump out.

" careful." She screamed.

At this time, I saw that Qin Chu did not know when he had a pistol.

Huo Mian knew that Qin Chu never left, and he used it in China.

The man was shot in the Qin Chu, but he did not wait for the second shot. Qin Chu hit a shot in his wrist.

His gun fell to the ground...

Another little gangster was trying to pick it up, but he saw Qin Chu again.

Then there was a scream...

Whoever dares to swear, shoots who's wrist.

After a while, no one dared to swear...

"Mad, Mom, you are a madman... mentally ill." The man screamed at his wrist and screamed at Qin Chu.

Later, I don’t know who reported the police...

The police actually came very quickly...

"What happened?" (English) The police officer is a white man, followed by four men.

Driving a police car is very prestige.

Not waiting for Qin Chu and Huo Mian to explain, those few gangsters complained about the wicked.

Barabara said a bunch, meaning that it was Qin Chu who shot and injured them.

The man saw a few gangsters who were locals, and Qin Chu and Huo Mian were foreigners, and naturally they were very unfriendly to them.

Come over and ask, "Can you speak English?"

"Of course." Qin Chu looked coldly at the police officer.

"You are suspected of hurting people, we will take you back to the police station."

"Wait... you don't ask the cause and effect?" Qin Chu talked to the police officer in fluent English.

The expression is also very uncomfortable.

"Already asked." The police officer was arrogant.

"But we didn't say anything, you only heard the words of their side." Huo Yin did not accept.

These little punks took the initiative to pick things up, and then the wicked first sued, the most disgusting thing is that the police officers actually believe, or directly protect.

Huo Mian did not expect that the United States, which has always been raving about world peace and loves wireless, will have such a heart-wrenching thing.

The mood of travel was greatly reduced...

"You are foreigners, why should I believe in you?" The police officer said that he was justified.

Huo Mian gas pointed at the camera and said, "There is a whole process here, you can watch the video yourself."

Who knows, the hotel owner interjected, "Video surveillance is broken, sorry."

At this moment, Huo Mian knew that they might all be a group of people, obviously sheltered.

At this time, Huo Mian looked at Qin Chu for help. After all, she is not very familiar with American law. Is it really necessary to be taken away?

And is it the identity of the victim? Is that too suffocating?

"You are so law enforcement?" Qin Chu looked at the police officer sneer.

"How? Don't you? Are you... Japanese?"

"No." Huo Mian immediately vetoed.

"Korean?" the police officer asked again.

"We are Chinese." Qin Chu and Huo Mian are all in the same voice.

Group of punks and several police officers, listening to laughter.

"It turned out to be really ******." (English) Several little punks got up from the ground and asked.

"Shut your foul mouth." Qinchu raised his pistol, aiming again.

Scared the few people immediately hiding behind the police.

"Police, look at them, how rude they are."

"Come on, take these two people away." The police slammed down and immediately rushed up.

Extremely rude to hold the shoulders of Qin Chu and Huo Mian.

"Wait a minute." Qin Chu snorted.

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