My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1933: Twins lost (ten)

"It’s just that you can talk, and if you say it, you can be mad."

Huo Mian said with a good-natured and funny pair of twin daughters.

At this moment, the Hibernian phone rings...

"Look, what to say." After saying this, Huo Mian picked up the phone.

Open the video...

"Hey, Mommy..." Pudding and Douding shouted in unison.

"Hey, baby."

"What about the land?" asked the bean leg.

"Here." Huo Mian took a mobile phone and took a photo of Qin Chu.

"Daddy... Have you thought about me?" Douding immediately spoiled.

"Of course." Qin Chu smiled.

"You lied... When you have Mommy around, you won't think of me... After all, you are such a heavy-hearted daughter."

Qin Chu: ...

"Don't blame, which man is not good... This is normal, we have to be relieved, sister." Tsundere's pudding began to persuade Douding.

Speaking, let Rick, who is sitting opposite Huo Qin and Qin Chu, almost squirted a red wine.


"What sound? Hey? Where are you? At the hotel?" Douding was curious.

"No, we are at a friend's house." Huo Ming replied.

"Which friend? Your friends, we all seem to know." Pudding calmly looked at Huo Mian.

"Uncle Rick's home."

"Oh? Uncle Rick, where are you going to show us, I heard that it is a big-blooded guy?" When Douder heard the name of Rick, Rick’s eyes were shining, exuding the breath of a female wolf.

Huo Mian helpless, only turn the phone, facing Rick.

"Oh... baby." Rick didn't know they would speak English, so he greeted him in Chinese.

"Wow, Uncle Rick, you are so handsome." Douding exclaimed.

"Uncle Rick, you can speak English, we understand." Pudding noticed this detail, a kind reminder.

"Hah, can you?" Rick was also teased.

"Not only English, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Portuguese, you can also... We will have many national languages, sauce purple..." Douding began to be proud.

I can't wait to show all of my own, naked.

"Qin Daren, your daughter began to sing aloud... all kinds of display, all kinds of show off, do you care?" Huo Mian secretly said in a whisper.

"Why do you want to manage this? This is the skill... It is a gift that cannot be erased." Qin Daren is shameless and straightforward.

"Well... there are fathers and daughters, you really are a genetic attribute." Huo Mian surrendered.

"Oh my God, you are so good." Rick immediately praised.

"Uncle Rick, where do you live?" Pudding likes to talk about home, and Douding likes to inquire about privacy gossip.

"I live in New Orleans." Rick laughed back.

"Then your hometown, the chicken legs must be great." Douding said almost drooling.

"Haha, okay, yes, great, you have time to come, I will take you to eat."

Rick of the face of the millennium ice, listening to the twins frequently exposed the golden sentence, is really unstoppable.

Frequent laughter...

Huo Mian surprised into the ears of Qin Chu. "Husband... I know Rick for so long, the first time I watched him so many times."

"Well, so say, Huo, your niece is incredible." Qin Chu laughed.

"Okay, okay, Uncle Rick, you have to talk and count." Douding is excited.

"of course."

"So can you pick us up now?"

Rick: ...

"Haha, don't be nervous, just kidding..." Douding laughed.

Rick: ...

"Uncle Rick, do you have a girlfriend?" This time, the inquirer of the gossip was actually a pudding.

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