My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1935: Twins lost (2)

"Amount... Little devil... It’s always aunty... Well, okay... Then say one, Rick is handsome, after all, it’s a mixed-race guy... Is it right?” Qin Ning was asked helplessly, and finally messed up. Said one, at first glance, did not go.

"Nonsense... It is clear that we are handsome Shu Shu handsome?" Douding did not do it.

"Hah, you still remember you Su Shuai, I thought that after you saw Uncle Rick, you left Uncle Su Yu behind your mind..." Qin Ning spit out his tongue and made faces with the prostitutes.

"How is it possible? We are so old people... Although... Uncle Rick is also very handsome, but compared to our Su Shuai, it’s still so lost... So little aunt you didn’t tell the truth at all.” Bean Ding stressed.

"Well, you are right, Bean Ding."

"Then you say it again, which one is more handsome?" Douding asked.

Qin Ning was helpless, only nodded, and said, "Well, Su Yu is handsome."

"Where is it handsome?" Douding continues to let go.

"Everything is pretty."

"Don't you talk about it in detail? Don't be so perfunctory..."

"Amount... I think about it, ha, Su Yu's eyes are more charming, can this be?"

"Well, satisfied, let go of you." Douding nodded with satisfaction.

Qin Ning glanced at the pudding while playing the phone.

"Pudding, so let's go to the bath and sleep now?"

"Yes, wait for me to finish this video." Pudding looked calm.

"What video?" Qin Ning wondered.

"I just recorded a small video for you and sent it to Su Shuai."

"Hey?" Qin Ning was forced.

Do you want to be so embarrassed... What did she say? I bought it.

"Pudding... Are you going to push the little aunt to the road? Is it good to throw the dead?" Qin Ning slammed his face and had a dead heart. It was really impossible to prevent it.

"What's the embarrassment, Su Shuai will be happy to see, is it good to have beautiful women? And... I don't think it is because you are pushing you to the road, I think it creates an opportunity for you."

"What opportunity?" Qin Ning continued to be aggressive.

"You will know later."

After that, the pudding put down the phone and took a look at the bean diced. "I just did a good job. The essence is recorded. I will see how Shu Shuai will say it."

"So... I did it so well, how do you thank me?" Douding asked Pudding.

"You have stolen the donuts in the morning, I can not tell my mother, just sauce."

Doudin: ...

Watching the two little guys leave the room and walk towards the bathroom, Qin Ning’s heart will collapse.

She finally woke up and couldn’t treat them as a baby at all.

This is like a naive, sweet and sweet baby. This is a small black bastard.

"Qin Dynasty, Qin Lan, let's talk."

In the bathroom, two little guys took off the light and sat in the large tub.

Being in a comfortable bath, Qin Ning took a small bench and sat next to them, looking serious.

"Well, what are you talking about?" Pudding calmly glanced at Qin Ning.

"You two... Is there any ulterior motive, en?" Qin Ning narrowed his eyes and stared at the two prostitutes, asking mysteriously.

"No." Douding immediately denied.

"Impossible... I always feel that the two of you are calculating me..."

"How is it calculated?" Pudding looked innocent, and his cute little eyes looked at Qin Ning.

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