My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1943: Twins lost (20)

"Do you know me too?" Luna looked at Qin Chu with a deep blue eyes.

"No, I just heard of him, after all... he is so famous."

"It turned out to be..." Luna nodded thoughtfully.

"Is this your girlfriend? She looks so cute, like a Chinese doll, if she wears cheongsam, it will look better." Luna glanced at Huoming.

"No, she is my wife."

"You are all married?" Luna was surprised.

"Well, and the baby is three years old." Qin Chu is quite proud of the return.

"Heaven... I am so happy... Rick, let's take care of it. I will give you a lot of babies in the future." After that, the girl went to grab Rick's arm and wanted to kiss her.

Rick did not escape, and the girl’s hand fell through, a little embarrassing.

"Luna, go back soon, your father will worry about you."

"I don't want to go, I am safe here, and you have food and food here... I haven't played enough..."

"I don't have time to play with you, I still have a lot of business to sit."

"Then I have to stay, I want to cultivate feelings with you, we will get married later."

"I didn't say I want to marry you, you figure this out." Rick corrected.

"But you told me to think about it."

"I am perfunctory, you are polite... understand?" Rick was speechless.

"I don't care, I am serious..."

Rick: ...

"I am so hungry, I haven't eaten breakfast yet." Luna grinned.

"Here, just we are eating, eat together." Huo Mian is a bit embarrassed.

"You eat it yourself, we eat it."

After that, Rick turned and left...

Qin Chu and Huo Mian also followed and went out, called Luna's girl, but she really sat down to start a slow breakfast.

When he walked outside the door, Huo Mian whispered the sleeves of Qin Chu.

"Husband, who is this? What is her father doing? Why do you want to marry Rick?"

"The eldest daughter of the Frank family, her father Murdall is the biggest black market trading market leader in Mexico, manipulating a lot of things, the black market like yellow gambling drugs... and slave trade, in short, you can understand it as a gangster. ”

"No wonder, like the Rick family, it’s all black market."

"Well, I heard Rick talk about it before, and I have cooperated with the Frank family, and the cooperation has been good for the past three years... It seems that in order to develop and trust further, Murdoch is planning to marry her daughter to Rick. ""

"What does the gram mean?" Huo Mian asked a little embarrassed.

"I don't know, I didn't ask him, actually."

"If Rick is married...and not because of love, Sicily knows that he will be sad."

"How sad is it, everyone has to go differently... Wife... We can't look at Rick from our own perspective, we are not him, we have not walked the path of him, so we have no right to do anything for him. Decide."

Qin Chu said with the shoulders of Huo Mian slowly.

"I know." Homonia nodded.

"Do you have a shot too?" Not far away, Rick looked at them with three golf clubs.

Inside a luxury villa in Los Angeles

Qin Ning’s father has not been in the class since he met the twins.

As the chairman of the board of directors, they play with them at home every day.

A Chinese chess game, a chess game, and a lot of fun.

"President Qin... Your call?" The assistant came over and took the phone.

"Who is calling?" Qin Chu's uncle turned slightly unhappy.

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