My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1945: Doom to find the door (2) make up

"Pudding, Bean Ding..." Qin Ning shouted loudly.

Then look upstairs and downstairs.

When I saw the babysitter and the housekeeper, I asked, "Is there a child?"


"I didn't see it, Missy."

Qin Ning suddenly has a bad feeling...

Then I don’t want to wear shoes, just wear indoor slippers and run out.

“Have you seen twins?” I asked the bodyguards and security along the way.

"No, Missy, what happened?"

"The child is gone, there is no villa."

"Would it be that they deliberately hide and play hide-and-seek with you?" the bodyguard asked.

"No, they never play such a small kid's game."

If you don't understand it before, Qin Ning may think that the child may play hide-and-seek with himself and will look for it.

But on the first night of getting along, Qin Ning proposed to play hide and seek.

I was jokes by pudding and pudding...

The dialogue at the time was like this.

Qin Ning: "Baby, let's play hide and seek?"

Pudding: Little aunt, how old are you?

Doudin: Little aunt, I always think that you are a high IQ child. I didn't expect you to play this boring game... I was hidden and looked for, is it interesting? I don't even know where the game is cool?

Qin Ning: Isn't that moment that I found is not happy?

Doudin: Why do you want to be happy, but you don’t really lose it. It was originally deliberately hidden.

Pudding: The little aunt is very late, you can wash and sleep.

Qin Ning: ...

As you can see from the previous conversation, the twins are extremely reluctant to play the game of childish children.

So she dared to conclude that it must not be hidden.

"Don't worry, Missy, let's go to the monitoring room."

"Yes, monitoring room."

After that, Qin Ning immediately took the bodyguards to the monitoring room.

Then hurriedly called up the video recording...

After reading it, Qin Ning’s heart was cold.

Because the entire video surveillance shows that the twins did not appear in the surveillance at all.

Such a large villa, thousands of flat before and after.

Even the garden with swimming pool...

However, the traces of the two children could not be found, and only half an hour.

"Right, I will call them."

Qin Ning suddenly thought that both pudding and doudding had mobile phones...

When I hit the past, I discovered that the phone was turned off.

Qin Ning is going crazy...

God, my brother-in-law gave the child to her with confidence, but she lost it.

When Qin Ning’s father came out of the video conference, he realized that it was messed up outside.

"Hey, it's over... The child is gone." Qin Ning was crying.

"What child is missing?"

"Pudding and Bean Ding... are gone."

"Don't you still be at home?"

"Yeah, but a blink of an eye, and everyone has not seen them."

"How come? Can you disappear without air... Find it for me, find it well, and find out how to find it."

Qin Chu is also anxious.

With all the security guards, bodyguards, housekeepers, babysitters...

From the front to the back, the basement, the wine cellar, the garden, and even the swimming pool are also salvaged.

Still did not find a little news of the child...

At this time, Qin Ning and Qin Ning’s father were completely collapsed...

Three-year-old children, and two, if it is really lost, it is estimated that Qin Chu and Huo Mian will be crazy?

"I called the nephew and asked if I was looking for them?" Qin Ning knew that it was unlikely, but he still had a hope to give Humian a phone call.

"Hey? Ningning..." The soft voice of Huoming came from the phone.

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