My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1956: Doom to find the door (13)

"Yeah, it's too small... we can't bear it." Huo Mian laughed.

"Dad... You are really, the child is only three years old, you let my brother and nephew leave the child, who will be willing ...." Qin Ning also felt that his father's proposal is too ridiculous.

"What's the relationship? They are very independent. I don't have to worry about it... I don't even have to go out alone...?" Qin Chu Ershu accidentally said that he missed his mouth.

Huo Mian immediately heard the clues, slightly frowning, "Go out alone?"

The twins changed their face and immediately asked Qin Ning.

Qin Ning reluctant to marry a prostitute and quickly hit the round. "Oh, this is the case. When they were out this morning, they both went out to play. I was very good at talking about things, and then only let the bodyguards follow them. I will pick them up after talking about things." ”

"You actually only let the bodyguard look at my daughter, Qin Ning, what do you think?" Qin Chu was a little displeased.

The second uncle of Qin Chu also immediately realized that he was wrong, and did not dare to speak.

"I am not... forced to do it? The work is more urgent, so..."

"It’s okay to have a bodyguard to follow, husband, don’t be too nervous.” Huo Mian laughed and appeased Qin Chu.

"Little girl liar, wait for me to pack you..." Qin Chu took a bit of Qin Ning with chopsticks.

Qin Ning spit out his tongue and said nothing...

The twins secretly gave Qin Ning a thumbs up, meaning that your aunt was too beautiful.

After a meal, Qin Chu Huo Mian spent the financial consultation with the uncle in the living room to discuss the global economy.

Qin Ning took the twins upstairs to take a shower...

As soon as he entered the bathroom, Qin Ning just squatted down to give the twins water.

The two little guys stumbled and ran over, standing on both sides of Qinning.

Then everyone took a sip and kissed Qin Ning's face.

"What? Why? Flattering." Qin Ning smiled at the two little guys.

Doudin: You are really awkward, you are just a good risk, but fortunately you are relieved for us.

Pudding: You have to be stunned, sorry, little aunt.

"Oh, it’s okay, I hurt you so much. It doesn't matter if you look at it. Anyway, I am not the first time you have been jealous of it... not bad this time." Qin Ning pinched the faces of the little guys.

"In any case, if I just said that I missed it, I am sure that we didn't have a good fruit to eat. I noticed that when Mommy heard us go out alone, my face changed. I was scared to death, so I was afraid." In the previous scene, I still felt that the shock was undecided.

"Haha, you also know that you are afraid." Qin Ning smiled heartily.

"That is of course, my mommy... It's actually terrible... When she is angry, I will be scared if I am embarrassed." Pudding added.

"That is...the person who usually doesn't have a temper, it's terrible to lose his temper... She looks at her always laughing, calm and calm... But when it is estimated that it is angry, it is very scary."

"Positive solution." Pudding raised his thumb and once again praised the aunt's wit.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and come in for a shower."

After the bath water was put in place, Qin Ning helped them take off their clothes and carefully hugged them into the bathroom.

"In the past few days, you have been taking care of us, hard aunts, waiting for me to go back, I must send local special products to you." Douding expressed gratitude to a person, will definitely eat.

"Okay, okay, little aunt waiting for your special product, don't give me a basket of potatoes." Qin Ning laughed.

"That won't, after all, international postage is so expensive..." Douding licked.

"Little aunt, I still hope that you can find a chance to return to the country to live for a while." Pudding is still calculating, the little aunt and Su Yu, has been asking her to return home.

"Well, this is not to say first, take a shower, hehe... you will leave tomorrow, I will end the vacation, so sad... I don't want to go to work." Qin Ning complained.

Downstairs, Huo Mian chatted and chatted. Suddenly, the head turned and asked, "Two uncles, what happened to the children going out alone in the morning?"

After listening to his face, Qin Ershu looked very unnatural.

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