My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1964: I am coming back for revenge (1)

"I suddenly found myself to be a failure... As a daughter, I am not good enough. I have been in trouble with my family since I was a child. I have never had a good life. Fortunately, she has never really blamed me, and sometimes Zhixin still has to worry about me... as Wife, I am not gentle and virtuous. I don’t understand you many times, I can’t think for you, I’m always in trouble, let you be good for me. As a daughter-in-law, I have little care and concern for my in-laws. As a mother, I have failed more, twins. I was young and sensible, but I was busy with work, and I didn’t have the right guidance... I always thought that my daughters were good enough, and today I discovered that the pudding was arrogant by me... even a little selfish, the peas were I have developed a food, no opinion, and I don’t even know how to protect myself."

"Wife, you can't say that, as a daughter, you have paid too much for your family these years... work hard and make money, bring a stable life to your mother and brother. As a wife, you have always paid for this family, even if you Pregnant and having children, all of them are coming over, and I always have me in my heart. As a daughter-in-law, you have done a lot for your parents. I was in prison for a while, you are running on both sides of the company at home, appease them, and have gone through all the hardships. Bitter, give them a pair of living treasures and granddaughters... And as a mother, you have set up enough models, you can't ask too much for puddings and puddings, because you don't forget, they are still a three-year-old child... Even if we are mature, we are smart, and our age is still very small... We need to step by step and need a lot of patience... I can’t deny them because of a moment’s mistake.”

"Husband, you said... Am I too emotional?"

"No, I understand your uneasiness... Wife, you are too hard... This time I will return to China, and give it to me, you don't have to go to work at the company."

"So you want to remove me?" Huo Mian turned back and looked at Qin Chu with little pity.

"No, I am going to give you a vacation... I will accompany my baby for a few days...and then..."

"And then how?" Huo Mian relied on Qin Chu Huaizhong, looked up at his almost perfect side face.

"Then, will you go back to work in the Southern District?"

“Back to the South?” Huo Mian was almost surprised by the open mouth.

"I have been greeted with President Wu. The South District is just not enough. If you go back, you can not only reinstate the position, but also continue to be the chief physician of neurology, and you can also be a part-time deputy dean."

Huo Mian:......

"You don't think, I go to work as president, you are a doctor, is this rhythm just right? I miss the days before, my wife... Although busy, we have been very fulfilling."

"Husband... You are now the big boss of GK headquarters and then return to the domestic position, will it be very LOW?"

"No, guarding my wife and children is my greatest happiness, and my money rights have nothing to do with me."

Qin Chu said that the wind is light and dark, but Huo Mian is very excited inside.

Being a doctor is her biggest hobby. She never dared to think that she would return to the hospital one day.

That is a wonderful experience, but her husband, all silently arranged.

"Husband...Thank you...Thank you for always organizing everything for me silently..."

At this moment, Huo Mian has a strong sense of well-being.

"Because you are hibernating, I am worthwhile for you as a..."

As Qin Chu said before, because of the two words of Huo Mian, heavy, he is willing to go to the fire in this life.

Early morning

A family of four set off to fly to Hawaii, before leaving.

Twins and Qin Ning are reluctant.

"Little aunt... You really don't come back to China with us?" Pudding looked at Qin Ning with some uncomfortable feelings.

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