My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1967: I am coming back for revenge (4)

Qin Chu glanced at the bodyguard behind him. "You go first, wait for us at the door, we will take the children to the toilet first."

"Okay, Mr. Qin."

The bodyguards walked out of the door with their luggage, and Qin Chu and Huo Mian took the twins' hands to the bathroom.

"I am waiting for you at the door."

At the door of the women's toilet, Qin Chu stopped, and Huo Mian nodded and walked in with two daughters.

The twins have a strong self-care ability and they will urinate. So after entering the sleep, he went to a toilet and stayed at the door.

Because it is an airport, there are quite a lot of people...

"Mummy, I want to pull the stench..." Douding may have been eaten on the plane, so it was noisy.

"Well, don't worry, you pull slowly, Mommy is waiting for you at the door. When you are finished, you will call Mommy. I will go in and wipe your ass..." Huo Mian warmly smiled.

"Okay, Mommy."

Doudou said that the smell was stinky, and the pudding was not in a hurry.

Huo Mian waited at the door inside, Qin Chu was waiting at the door outside.

There is no distance of three meters in total...

There are a lot of people in the bathroom, coming and going, but there is only one such export, so Huo Mian did not think much.

After the phone was turned on, the company just called in. Bella and Huo Mian reported some urgent things.

Huo Mian has been talking to Bella on the phone...

Qin Chu waited for them at the door, but did not play the phone, but this time was attracted by one thing.

A group of people chasing two people running...

The running man was like a woman, wearing a black cashmere coat, a hat and a mask, and running very fast.

A group of people behind, there seem to be fans.

Fans are crazy about chasing idols. In this society, it is no longer news. Qin Chu just looked at it and didn't feel strange.

But the woman rushed directly into the toilet...

The barriers couldn’t stop, and the fans behind them also rushed in in large numbers, scared that Huo Mian was holding his mobile phone.

"What is the situation?" Huo Mian was stupid.

"Why are you running here? It’s a dead end, not even an exit."

"Miss Wen... We just want to interview you, don't run...." Several male reporters were inconvenient to enter, so they were stuck in the doorway.

Huo Mian was frightened by the crowd, and walked out directly to stand next to Qin Chu.

"What about children?"

"In the inside, Doudin said to pull the stench." Huo Mian did not think much.

But after waiting for about three minutes, I didn't come out.

At this time, the crowd has dispersed, and female stars and journalists and fans have also left the toilet.

Qin Chu was a little anxious. "Wife, you go in and see, why haven't you come out yet?"


Huo Mian nodded and returned to the toilet again.

"Doudou, pudding, did you pull it?" Huo Mian asked.

But did not get a response...

"Doudou? Pudding?" Huo Mian was a bit strange, and he raised his voice and shouted.

Still did not get a response...

This time, Huo Mian was anxious, rushed straight in and went to push the door.

"Doudou, pudding."

Every door of her urgency is going to push away, but not every one...

The child... has disappeared for no reason.

"Pudding, Bean Ding... You answer, don't scare your mother." Huo Mian scared his face without blood.

Qin Chu heard the sound, but also refused to be a female toilet, directly rushed in.

Then pinch the arm of Huo Mian, "Wife, what happened?"

"Husband, the child is gone..." Huo Jin is in a hurry and his legs are soft.

"How come?" Qin Chu also stunned. There is only one exit here, and no children are seen.

Qin Chu and Huo Mian have been guarding at the door... but... the two children are really missing.

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