My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1982: I am coming back for revenge (19)

"Well, it is a very famous chief physician in the Southern District. I don't believe you can go in and inquire. I am also a high-school student who graduated from Harvard Medical School, the best university in the world. I am a doctor of brain surgery... I think your mother is sick. It’s not a problem in their hands... they are rejuvenating."

"Really? You don't lie to me."

"Reassured, although I am a child, but I also know that I can't just lie. If you can find a chance to let us go, I will definitely let my parents treat your mother, and will give you a lot of money. Money, let you have nothing to worry about for the rest of your life."

"This..." The sea was a bit embarrassing when they wanted to let them go.

"I said that I said, I do not force you, you weigh the pros and cons." Pudding looked at the fire almost, and definitely not to say too much, she believes that normal people will make a clear choice.

"You are right, but...the problem is not so simple. There are so many people here, they are all desperate... I let you go, there is no chance... I am afraid I have not waited, plan We are all finished when we are exposed..."

The sea just finished saying this, and sure enough the footsteps were heard inside.

The pudding immediately released his hand with a vigilance and took a few steps back.

"Looking for so long, what is the grinding?" The men with sharp-nosed monkeys came out and looked at them with impatience.

"Ah, the little child has a diarrhea." The sea smiled.

"Is it finished? Come in quickly, I will come over for a while, if there is a leak... Take it is you."

"Know, know." After that, the sea immediately picked up the pudding and went inside.

Along the way, the pudding is not talking, indeed... this is called the sea, even if she is moved.

But there is not such a great ability to let go, those people are there, unless they are all open.

But it is unlikely...

The pudding was a little bit annoyed, he kept his head down and stopped talking, and he pondered some others.

When I returned to the warehouse, Douding immediately got up and ran over.

"Sister, how? What?"

"This is an abandoned factory, there are no people around, it's desolate, it's weed... Even if it's running away, it's very difficult... but I can be sure that we haven't left the city C yet, so it's much easier. I believe that there will be ways to find us."

"How can you be sure that we are still in the city?" Douding a glimpse.

"Because I saw the TV tower... Although it is far away, it is not wrong, it is the most iconic TV tower here."

"Perfect, it’s good not to leave here. The chances of squatting and mommy looking for us are great. You are smart."

Douding looked at the pudding with a look of worship.

"I originally wanted to counter the stupid big one, but..."

"How? No success?" Douding was curious.

"Well, that's right, it's too simple for me. He wants to help us, and he doesn't have that ability... The real thing here is the man with the sharp-nosed monkey, but he can be sure that he is a desperate... and not Will listen to us."

"Desperate, God, then... Will you kill us? Tear the ticket... Sister, I am so scared."

The Bean Ding is not starting to calm down again...

"No, don't worry, at least... we won't have any danger until they get the ransom." The pudding was determined.

"I really don't know which **** is catching us. He's... Waiting for Grandma to go out, he won't be jealous." The pudding of the peas was swearing.

Another suburban factory building

"Yi Ge, Huo Mian has come." The people under the man came to report, and Huo Shiyi stood up slowly from the chair.

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