My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1999: Difficult choices (seventeen)

"Sui Yi, don't sharpen it, go quickly..." Qing Qingqing took a box of money from Huo Siqian, and there were billions of international cheques. I only wanted to leave here, and Huo Shiyi was still in my heart. I am thinking about how to take revenge.

"Wait, clear, I am going to give them a super gift..."

After that, Huo Siyi took out a black suitcase from the corner and took out two black boxes from the inside.

Then they are tied to the body of Huo Mian and Douding, and then they are bundled and separated.

"Holly, what do you want to do?" Huo Mian is already weak.

Even the sound seems to be lacking...

"Oh, you will understand... You should thank me, because I will give your husband a big problem in life... By the time you can see if he cares the most about you?"

After the vicious smile of Huo Siyi, he went to Huo Siqian.

Lifting the dagger in his hand is a knife toward his wrist...

The sharp blade deeply scratched the arteries of Horsham, and the blood flowed out instantly... very scary.

The Bean Ding was so scared that he cried...

"Mummy... I am so scared..."

Douding still saw such a cruel scene with his own eyes. The means of Huo Siyi was indeed cruel and horrible.

"Wild species, have the ability to kill me directly..." Huo Siqian was weak on the ground.

"Oh, I won't kill you, it will make you too comfortable... I will let you bleed a little bit, with a little bit of wilting, and even you can feel the smell of your body being exhausted... Finally you Like a dry corpse, it will die because of too much bleeding. The most enjoyable thing is that you know that you will go to death a little bit, but you can't help it because... no one can save you..."

"Perverted..." Huo Mian couldn't help but yell at him after listening to Huo Siyi.

In just four years, what happened to it, so that Huo Siyi became so tyrannical.

No humanity... In the face of a child, this extreme thing will be done for Huo Siqian.

"You live in the mouth, I have today thanks to you... so you and Huo Siqian have died a thousand times 10,000 times, not enough... to calm my inner pain and hatred... time is almost, you are slow Enjoy it slowly. When you are blown up, I guess I have sunbathed in the Pacific Ocean... haha."

After that, Huo Siyi left with Qing and Qing, and the people under his hand slowly withdrew.

In the entire factory, only three people, namely Huo Mian, Douding, and Huo Siqian...

The world has suddenly become so quiet...

"Small sleep... Are you okay?" Huo Siqian looked up and asked stubbornly.

"I'm fine...but you have a lot of blood." Huo Mian forgot the hatred for the first time, not to hate Huo Siqian.

Instead, I tried to move my body and wanted to climb over and find a way to stop bleeding for him.

"I... It doesn't matter, I can't die... Don't mess around... You and your child... It should be a time bomb. If you accidentally move, you will detonate at any time." Huo Siqian looked worried. Remind Huo Mian not to have a big move.

"What? God, this is... time bomb? Hey... Mommy, will I be fried into a patties? It’s a terrible thing, I don’t want to die... I’m going to see you and Sister, hey." As soon as I heard that it was a time bomb, Douding began to cry again.

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