My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2010: If you are in trouble, you will have a blessing (8)

"It's bean diced, she and pudding are twins." Huo Mian comfortably embraced her daughter.

"I know, I have seen their photos, always."

"You... have been paying attention to us?" Huo Mian was surprised.

Lu Yan nodded. "Well, these years have been concerned, the old man is also... yes, this time you see the old man in the United States?"

"See Dad? No?" Huo Mian looked awkward.

"Oh, yes, I forgot to say it. He is also disguised. With a human mask, it is the old grandfather who sent the balloon for free."

After Lu Yan finished, Huo Mian suddenly realized.

"God, is that daddy?"

"Uh huh."

"I don't know, I really don't know at all. I thought at the time... Hey, your brother-in-law still suspects that it is a bad person. We have also raised our vigilance. I said that it is strange. It turned out to be..." Huo Mian was surprised and happy.

"It doesn't matter, there are still many opportunities in the future... Waiting for me to find a way to get Ian, no one is dragging her legs, and our family will be able to meet with others in the future."

"You came out this time, did Joe know?" Qin Chu asked while driving.

"Qin Chu, you are really disappointing... What do you do with the big ice?" Lu Yan whispered.

"Who is Joe?"

"Your brother-in-law." Qin Chu faintly answered.

"Not yet, okay? I haven't married him yet..." Lu Yan is domineering.

"There is no difference. You are now in Russia for two hundred days a year?" Qin Chu’s intelligence is still very accurate.

"Is that not to hide Ian? I can't help it..."

In the fog of Huo Mian’s listening, I only know that my sister seems to have a fiancé, in Russia.

"Smoke, what is your boyfriend's home?" Huo Mian was curious.

"Russia's largest Chinese gang, doing arms business." Lu smoke answered very casually.

After listening to Huoming, it was a sudden cough...

"Cough and cough..."

"Sister, are you okay?" Lu Yan looked at Huo Mian nervously.

"Smoke, how can you be with those people? How dangerous, what gangs, what arms dealers?" Huo Mian is unacceptable, his future brother-in-law is a gangster, and still doing arms business, too scary It is.

Looking at the big reaction of Huo Mian, Lu smoke looked at Qin Chu driving in front.

"Which brother did you tell me my sister, what am I doing?"

"Not yet, you can tell her by yourself." Qin Chu had a brief talk with Huo Mian before, Professor Ian and Lu Yan.

But what does the specific land tobacco do business, and wherever he runs every day, he did not say it carefully.

Therefore, Huo Mian has always felt that her sister is a weak woman who seems to have no strength in her hands.


"Oh, okay... sister, I tell you, don't be surprised, that... your sister, I have been doing mercenary business all these years. I have a mercenary group, picking up business all over the world, the amount is huge... ...I also have many islands in the Pacific Ocean, and I also have my own arsenal... I can develop the most advanced bombs, and then I will sell them all kinds of things. I also pick up the jobs that others don’t dare to pick up. As long as the money is in place, let me kill the Jade Emperor. I dare."

Lu Yan said after a sigh of relief, Huo Mian dumbfounded...

"You don't have to worry about it. I haven't been able to practice this skill in the past few years. It is estimated that I have not lived until now... So I am used to it, just like you are a doctor and a president, just work." Advise Huo Mian.

"So... are you the legendary killer?" Huo Mian seriously looked at Lu Yan.

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