My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2097: Who is the beauty of Jiangshan? (fifteen)

"Yes, right, and still have dinner with Su Yu."

"So, this day is too late?" Qin Chu smiled at her.

"However, tomorrow, I will leave the pudding, and the pudding will be returned to you..." Huo Mian began to separate.

"Give me the pudding, do you give me the beans?" Qin Daman was full of emotions.

"Because the Bean Ding is too edible, I am worried that I can't afford it, haha..." Hung Mian couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, I will record this little video for a while, and give it to Doudou... Let her see her mommy's true face."

"Cough... No, Bean Ding is very angry, Qin Daren, you don't want to do things." Huo Mian immediately did not dare to swear.

"So, are you really eating with Su Yu at night?" Sure enough, Qin Daren still cares about this matter.

"Yes, yes, so do you want to come?" Huo Mian deliberately angered him.

"Forget it... Since you are dating, then I will also date, I will stay with two peerless beauty to eat steak..."

"Two peerless beauty?" Huo Mian repeated his words.

"Uh huh..." Qin Daren is proud.

"Hey, you have itchy, are you?"

"So you can only let your state official set fire, do not allow our small people to light, is it?" Qin Chu retorted.

"Yeah, how about it? Don't accept it, do you bite me?" Huo Meng spit out his tongue.

"Wife... When you are shameless, it is really terrible..." Qin Daren spoke highly.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Huo Mian laughed and leaned forward.

"Well, don't talk to you, I have to pick up two peerless women for dinner..."

"Well, let's go, tell them, Mommy will go back later tonight, you want to swear..." Huo Mian closed his eyes and knew that the two peerless beautyes that Qin Chu said were puddings and puddings.

"I will tell the truth, saying that their mommy and Su Yu are on a date... Well, things are like this."

"Hey, someone is still jealous, okay... I am not alone with Su Yu, Ni Ni will come back, we will discuss how to deal with Ni Yang."

"Well, this is almost the same, I approved it..." Qin Da’s population is extremely overbearing.

"I am going to... you are emperor with me..." Huo Yin grinned.

"How? Not to accept?"

"Yes, don't accept..."

"Then you come to bite me?" Qin Chu is now selling now.

"Well, you are waiting for me, I am sure to go home and kill you at night..." Huo Mian deliberately opened his mouth and scared him.

"Well, you have to leave a tooth print on the whole body. It is the imprint of love. If you want to change your black stockings, you will be better with a whip in your hand..."

Huo Mian:......

"You are actually a hot girl..." Qin Daren’s words are always inconsistent.

Obviously, it is just a matter of biting people. He is hard to get into stockings and whip, so Huo Mian is also serving.

"Wife ... at night to ask for welfare, my husband cleaned at home waiting for you, the sauce." After that, Qin Daren naughty hang up the phone.

Huo Mian only feels that he has no words to ask heaven... The thoughts in the family are so deep, so connotation, so dirty, do you really know that it is a blessing or a curse?

Ni Yang arrived in the city at night, and immediately rushed to the hotel to meet.

Because I was afraid of the media, I chose to meet at the private club of the Tangchuan family.

On the top floor of the clubhouse, Su Yu and Huo Mian arrived in succession and were drinking tea.

When Ni Yang came, he followed Chen Jie.

He took her hand and they entered the private room together.

"Su total, Xiaomian sister..." Ni Yang and Chen Jie say hello.

"You both are coming, then come and sit down." Su Yu waved his hand and summoned both of them to this side.

The four people are sitting, the atmosphere is still a bit nervous.

"Su, I am sorry, I was accidentally taken by someone... This time, I am in trouble for the company." Ni Yang bowed his head and admits.

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