My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2308: The gathering of the gods (16)

Zhu Lingling looked at the wave of empty bottles and couldn’t help but sigh: "Husband... Fortunately, I bought a lot today, otherwise it’s not enough for the gangsters to squander..."

"Wife, I want to praise your wit..." Gao Ran raised his thumb and praised his wife.

"Small sleep sister, you are coming to see the fun, the **** of wine is going to be released..." Xixi waved his hand and shouted Huo Mian.

Qin Chu and Huo Mian returned to the table and continued to watch.

"The last round... ten glasses of wine, we each send a representative, who can drink in one breath... Who wins, what?" Jiang Xiaowei looked at Tangchuan and they said.

"Yes, in order to show respect, Xiaowei sisters come first... If you win, we will not drink, and directly admit defeat..." Qin Ning calmly opened his mouth.

"Good girl, it was such a happy decision..." After reading, Jiang Xiaowei also glanced at Huo Mian, "I am sleeping, you give us a referee, ha, Dionysus is about to come out..."

"Good drop, but won, only the title of Dionysus?" Huo Mian felt that there is no chip and no motivation?

"No, we said, whoever wins, the one who lost will send the five bottles of over one million red wine..." Tang Chuan interrupted.

"Khan... It’s really a game for the gods. There are five million red wines to make chips. This can be..." Huo Mian lamented.

"See you? Husband... Everyone is a god, so people can't move for millions... We can't compare this kind of people with others..." Zhu Lingling deliberately teased.

"Ling Ling sister, you have to say this, you can't look down on us... The high school is in politics, we are business, and we are not incomparable. We have no right and no money... but your husband has the right and money. You will be content with it... Yes, we will collude with officials and businessmen in the future, and we will be a traitor. Haha... everyone is really good."

"Hey... who wants to be a traitor with you..." Zhu Lingling smiled and sang Tangchuan.

"Slightly, let me come... you have already drunk a lot..." Jiang Xiaowei just mentioned the wine glass, Wei Liao said nothing.

I was afraid that my wife would spit, so I took the initiative to stand up.

However, when drinking the seventh cup, Wei Ye still spit...

Very cruel...

"Hus husband, are you okay?" Jiang Xiaowei quickly poured a glass of water to Wei Liao.

"Let's have it, Ningning... As long as you can drink eight cups, you will win..." Tang Chuan proud.

"I am coming..." Qin Ning knew that Tang Chuan had a lot of drinks, so he would not let him touch the glass.

"No, no, you just drank six cups, this time too much..." Tang Chuan refused to live, to grab the Qinning wine glass.

"Do you still want to chase me?" Qin Ning threatened.

"Amount... What is the relationship with this?" Tang Chuan forced.

"If you want to continue to chase me well, let it go..." Qin Ning ordered.

Tang Chuan finally got entangled and quietly gave Qin Ning a way.

"Ningning is okay?" Huo Mian was worried about the little girl, secretly asked Qin Chu.

"Nothing, she can drink all ten cups..." Qin Chu is full of confidence.

Pudding and Doudou and Wei Yunchu Gao Boyuan At this moment, they are not playing, they all run to see the excitement.

"Your little aunt looks so good..." Gao Bo said.

"That's right, our old Qin family gene is very powerful..." Douding is proud of it.

"Ningning...Where is it to drink? Where can I drink it? I really can’t drink it. Don’t be reluctant, don’t admit defeat... Don’t say five bottles of red wine, even fifty bottles, I also recognize... I can’t let you Something." Tang Chuan squatted.

Then everyone’s eyes hit the body of Qin Ning...

"Qin Da's sister looks like... a good cow, dear, you said, will she win?" Xixi whispered holding Rick's hand.

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