My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2313: Demon invasion (1)

"Who wants to be relatives... stinky..." Qin Ning was embarrassed to push away Tang Chuan's face.

"If you don't kiss, I will rely on you, don't let you get off the train..." Tang Chuan is not stupid. Tonight, watching Qin Ning help him stop the wine, he knows that Qin Ning has a feeling for himself.

"You..." Qin Ning looked at Tangchuan as a rogue, but he couldn't help it, and he was so angry and funny.

"Girl, please hurry up, I want to go home early." The driver turned his eyes and asked for help.

Qin Ning sighs with a sigh...

Then I quickly kissed the water in the mouth of Tang Chuan, and then quickly opened the door and got off.

"Hey? This is all done..." Tang Chuan is obviously not satisfied, but Qin Ning has already got off.

After Jiang Xiaowei and Wei Liao returned home, they were also dizzy.

The two of them are more people to drink tonight, because they are drinking more than others, so they drink more than others.

"Wife... are you having a headache? I will give you a shower..."

"Good." Jiang Xiaowei nodded.

After that, Wei Liao took off his clothes and took Jiang Xiaowei to the bathroom...

At the door, he met his son Wei Yunchu.

"Son, why? Why don't you go to sleep?" Wei Liaoyi.

"You two... Are you planning to give birth to my younger siblings?" Wei Yunchu asked a serious question.

Wei Liao: ...

Jiang Xiaowei: ...

"Son, who do you listen to nonsense?" Wei Liao's old face was red.

"You don't want to lie to me... Your clothes are off, I don't know what you want to do... Do you want to give my brother and sister to my mother?" Although Wei Yunchu did not have the pudding and Bean Ding EQ, but also about I don’t understand.

"Cough... son...not what you think..." Jiang Xiaowei didn't know how to explain it.

Wei Yunchu stood in front of the bathroom and stopped the way of his father and mother...

Just so squatting, in the end, he took out a thing from his hand and stuffed it in the hands of Wei Liao.

"Old Wei... pay attention to safety..." After Wei Yunchu turned around, he left.

After Wei Liao saw the thing clearly, he was scared of urine...

"This is this..." Wei Liao must speak incoherently.

"Husband...what is Dongdong?" Jiang Xiaowei was curious about what his son had given him.

"You are optimistic about yourself... I don't know how to describe it..." Wei Liao spread his hand and gave his wife a look.

Then Jiang Xiaowei was shocked...

She did not expect her son to know the usefulness of TT...

"Hey son... Is this the rhythm of precocity?" Jiang Xiaowei was also stunned.

"Is it estimated that... is it with twins? Douding and pudding have always understood..." Wei Liao guessed.

At the party, the only one who was not drunk was Rick and Sici.

The incompetent Chen Jie and Ni Yang were all drunk and went to bed immediately after returning home.

Only Rick and Sicily have a heart to play in the skating rink in the middle of the night.

Xixi is also very excited to drink a little wine...

So when I came back, I said that I wanted to go skating, and Rick also indulged her.

Take her directly to the ice rink, get the staff on duty, and open the door to them.

The big ice rink is only two of them, but it doesn't feel lonely.

The slow light music is especially nice in the middle of the night.

"Come on..." After wearing a roller skate, Sisi took a circle on it and then hooked his hand toward Rick.

"Don't..." Rick actually refused.

"Why?" Citi began to pout.

Rick is silent...

"You...should it not be slippery? Haha..." Xixi suddenly thought of something and asked with a smile.

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