My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2319: Demon invasion (seven)

"Ah... We are very busy now, and we don't have time. Let's talk about it later."

However, Su Yu was still in the eyes of Huo Mian, and saw a little disappointment.

"After the child is older, you are old, is it interesting to make up?" Mrs. Su does not seem to agree with this statement.

Su Dad advised, "You should not worry about it. The feelings of the young couple are better than anything. When our father and mother got married, there was no decent wedding. Is it not a lifetime?"

When I mentioned this, Grandpa Su nodded. "Yes, when I was married to you, two of us were introduced to the marriage. At that time, it was a troubled world. If you couldn’t eat enough, why would you have a wedding? Mom followed me, rushing all the way... It’s also awkward...” The grandfather, who was a few years old, didn’t feel good in his heart.

"Oh... I don't want to talk about such a heavy topic, let's have a good time... How do you guys add their own stuff?" Douding came over.

"Haha, okay, just listen to our little bean diced, change a pleasant topic..." Grandpa Su held his Bean Dice and sat on his lap.

"Then what do you want to change?" Su Dad deliberately teased the pudding.

"I just want to ask Grandma Su, when are we going to open the meal?" Doudou asked pitifully.

It made you laugh at the audience...

"You, it is a foodie..." Huo Mian is also helpless in this aspect of 豆丁.

"Open the meal right away, your father will come to eat." Mrs. Su laughed.

"Small sleep, you call Achu to ask, where is it?" Yang Meirong whispered in the ear of Huo Mian.

After all, letting everyone else wait for him is not very good, and Huo Mian nodded. Just about to take out his mobile phone, he saw Qin Chu coming in.

"Sorry, I just finished..." Qin Chu apologized when he entered the door.

"It’s not too late, it’s just coming, come here...” Grandpa Sue waved his hand and seemed to like Qin Chu very much.

Qin Chu held a beautiful box in his hand and turned it over. He handed it to Su Dad. "Uncle, this is the white wine that the customer sent me. It is 20 years old and tastes delicious. You and Grandpa can taste it."

"Oh, isn't it? It's not easy to find a 20-year-old aging... especially this bamboo leaf green..." Su Dad and Sue Grandpa have always liked to drink, especially white wine, so they are very happy.

At this time, Qin Chu took a look at Su Yu, nodded and said hello, "Is the business trip back?"

"Well, yes, I brought you some tea over there." Su Yu finished, picked up a box of fine tea and handed it to Qin Chu.

"Thank you." Qin Chu nodded and thanked, the two men are very polite, but there is a clear sense of alienation.

"Oh, you see, my cheongsam looks good?" Douding climbed down from Grandpa Su and began to climb up on Dad's thigh and continued to sell Meng.

"good looking."

"Su Shuai bought it... my sister also has a... Mommy is also..." Doudou said with Qin Chu.

Qin Chu glanced at the pudding, the same red color as the Bean Ding, and looked up at the cheongsam on Huoming.

First, I was amazed, then smiled, "a nice cheongsam."

"You are not jealous?" Douding deliberately asked Dad.

"Why do you want to be jealous?" Qin Chu held a Bean Ding and asked.

"Because this is your rival, give it to Mommy?" The words that Douding said are also particularly bold.

Tired sleep is almost humming...

"Doudou, you are enough..." Huo Mian continued.

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