My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2338: In front of Ian, you are like a dog (six)

"Put the blood of the ****..." The man said that he would throw the dagger on the ground.

Then I took the wine glass and turned my head...

For a moment, I felt that something was going to blow up in my mind.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, home to the old house

"Master is not good, not good..." The outside security panted and ran in and knocked at the old door.

Mo Xueer, who was sleeping with the old bed, was also awakened.

"What?" Woke up to the old confused, in a bad mood.

"Miss Xin Xin, she... she..." The security guard did not seem to speak.

"What happened to Xinxin?" asked the old man.

"You still go see it yourself..." The security guard was scared.

Mo Xueer also woke up from her sleep. "Go to the old, let's go see it?"

After the two men hurriedly dressed, Mo Xueer helped to walk out to the old.

After seeing everything in the doorway, Mo Xueer and all the old people are dumbfounded.

"This... what is going on here?" Mo Xueer was stunned, and she had never encountered such a thing.

At the door of the old house, there is a black oily coffin with no cover.

Inside is to the old little daughter Xiang Xin, lying there, wearing a white dress, just like falling asleep.

His face was pale and his hands were folded over his chest.

There is no trace of blood on the feet of ****, which looks extremely embarrassing.

"Come on, come on, save my daughter, send her to the hospital..." Crazy to the old.

"Old... Master, Miss has... No... no gas." A small security guard reminded.

When I was old, my chest hurt and I leaned back...

"To the the the ambulance." Mo Xueer was also frightened.

Until eight o'clock in the morning, police cars and ambulances kept coming in and out of the house.

The news media also came to interview the report, and everyone knew what happened.

The hospital where the old man lived was in the southern district, and the body of Xiangxin was also sent to the southern district by the police to seek forensic examination.

When Huo Mian went to work, he just saw Lin Mingyu who had not seen him for a long time.

In fact, to be honest, I was too embarrassed to see him. After all, I used him before.

"Doctor Huo, early...oh, no, now you are Vice President Huo..." Lin Mingyu took the initiative to say hello to Huo Mian.

"Lin Forensic, how are you here?"

"The murder case was released last night. The body of the deceased is here. The high office let me come here for an autopsy."

"Hit a crime?" Hearing the murder case, Huo Mian squatted.

"Well, the means is particularly cruel. The deceased is the big lady who is at home. It is only twenty years old. The blood on the body is all dried up. No drop is there... Like the dead body, and before the death, it was also invaded. The lower body tears... The death is extremely miserable... They have already established a squad, and they attach great importance to this matter."

"It seems that this is what the perverted killer is doing..." Huo Mian felt that this may be just a vicious murder case and has nothing to do with himself.

When Huo Mian raided the house, she accidentally saw Mo Xueer in the corridor. She didn't know who she was calling.

But the emotions are particularly exciting.

"I told you that this must have been done by Huo Siqian. Only if he can make such a thing, you should not hesitate. If you are delayed, we are both finished, he is right. To Xinxin, I was demonstrating with me and following the demonstrations to the old..." Mo Xueer insisted that Huo Siqian did it.

It’s impossible for Huo Mian to listen to the first reaction. Although Huo Siqian is cruel in his means, he will not give blood to other girls.

When Mo Xueer turned to see Huo Mian, she hung up the phone...

Huo Mian did not intend to talk to her, so go ahead.

"Huo Mian...Horschch has a double personality, do you know?" Mo Xueer suddenly asked.

After listening to Huo Mian, he paused...

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