My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2344: The devil's means (2)

When Mo Xueer suddenly turned back, he found that there was no one behind him...

At this moment, it is 12:30 in the middle of the night. She has always had a bad sleep, and recently she has not been afraid to sleep.

I have not been discharged from the hospital in the old days, and the funeral of Xiang Xin has not been done.

She didn't dare to live in the house, so I thought it would be safer in the hospital.

There are bodyguards who don’t say that people in the Southern District come and go, and most people don’t think about starting in the hospital.

Mo Xueer was a little flustered, throwing the cigarette in his hand on the floor and stepping on his feet.

Then go to the ward very quickly, go faster and faster, then trotting all the way.

Can be counted at the door of the ward, two bodyguards standing at the door, watching the breathless Mo Xueer rushed forward to help.

"Miss Mo, are you okay?"

"Nothing..." Mo Xueer waved again and again.

“Is there any suspicious person ever appeared?”

"No, there is no one figure." The bodyguard replied.

"okay, I get it……"

Mo Xueer opened the ward door in a panic and went to sleep.

With an oxygen mask on his face, since the death of Xin, a sudden heart attack to the old, almost passed.

He was rescued twice in the Southern District and is still in a dangerous period.

Mo Xueer hopes to die to the old man. After all, she has not used it. After she has finished Huo Xiqian, she went abroad.

How about loving her family, she doesn’t care...

After returning to the ward, Mo Xueer was relieved.

She turned over and over to sleep, took out her mobile phone, and sent a WeChat to Huo Wei...

"That thing, what are you thinking about, we have not much time..."

For a long while, Huo Wei did not reply to her, it should be asleep.

Mo Xueer was also a little tired, got up and prepared to wash his face, but saw the door opened.

Come in a petite little nurse... with a mask.

"Miss Mo, I should change the medicine to Mr. Xiang..."

"Well, change it." Mo Xueer nodded, no suspicious.

The little nurse, Ma Li, picked up some long medicinal needles and punched them into the old infusion.

Mo Xueer is facing her and is preparing to go to the bathroom...

Suddenly I felt that my neck was numb... It seemed to be **** with something.

She had a pain first, and she was not aware of it...

The little nurse took off the hood and revealed the delicate face, which was a blond face.

The bodyguard did not notice what was covered in the curtain under the car when the little nurse pushed the car out.

It was a good night until the next morning.

When Huo Mian came to work in the morning, he saw police cars in the south gate.

"What happened?" Huo Mian felt strange in his heart.

I saw Gao Ran black face coming out from the inside.

"Gao Ran, what happened?" asked Huo Mian.

"To die old last night..."

"Dead? How is it dead?" Huo Mian was shocked.

"Murder... His oxygen mask was made by hands and feet, and he poisoned the gas and killed himself."

"That... Mo Xueer? Is she not accompanying her in the ward?" Huo Mian asked.

"Mo Xueer is missing..." Gao Ran looked sad.

"Is missing? How can it be..." Huo Mian suddenly felt that the incident was more and more confusing.

"I also feel very strange. I haven't checked the death of Xinxin. I have an accident here. I think I have to do this for the director..." Gao Ran thinks about this and feels big.

He also told reporters yesterday to protect the other members of the family, and today he is going to have an accident.

Moreover, it is still a place with a lot of people in the Southern District. I have to say that this murderer is simply courageous.

"Is the hospital monitoring?"

"Look, like the bar, it was all touched, and God didn't know what it was... a dead, a missing... We must now suspect that it was not Mo Xueer, is it? She fled on sin..." Gao Ran analyzed.

"That... do you have doubts about Horsham?" Huo Jin asked slowly.

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