My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2346: The means of the devil (4)

"So... Xiaomian, are you reminding me to protect myself? You care about me, right?" Huo Siqian's voice was a bit of childish joy.

"You think more, I don't care about you, I just kindly remind you, after all, I don't want to see you being killed one day, send me to the Southern District..." Huo Mian chilled back.

"In any case, you can say that, I am still very happy..." Holding the phone, Huo Siqian gently opened his mouth.

"Okay, since it's okay, I hang up first..."

"Wait..." Horsham hurriedly yelled.

"Any thing else?"

"Small have recently...can you take a vacation?"

"What?" Huo Mian frowned slightly, not knowing what Huo Siqian said.

"Small sleep, or else you take a vacation, bring your husband and children, go abroad for vacation, Bali, Saipan, Maldives, wherever you are... In short, go to the heart and go on a trip."

"Why?" Hung-Ming felt too strange. Good-end, why did Huo Siqian let her take a vacation?

"Because the city is not very flat recently, I am worried that you will be afraid. After all, such a murderous murder has occurred, and people are guilty..."

"I don't worry about this, you don't forget, I am a doctor, I will touch a lot of dead people every day... Well, nothing else, I will hang up."

Do not want to waste too much with Huo Siqian, Huo Mian simply hang up the phone.

In fact, she just wanted to ask, this time, is not caused by Huo Siqian, after all, Mo Xueer is the person most related to him, but in the words, Huo Siqian does not really intervene. So... who is it?

On the other hand, Huo Siqian hung up the phone and was worried.

He seemed to know vaguely who did it, and he didn't even dare to send someone to check.

I am afraid of being amazed by the grass...

"Come on..." Huo Siqian shouted at the door.


"Recently add a little manpower to protect Xiaomian...Whether she goes to work or off work... I have to stare at me carefully..."

"Yes, boss."

Huo Siqian does not care about the lives and deaths of anyone, but in addition to Huo Mian.

Russia, Moscow, a suburb of the old castle

"Miss Lu, can't you go out?" The tall Russian bodyguards stopped the way of the land smoke.

Lu Yan was wearing a white cashmere coat with a white fox fur collar and a slight volume under the long hair.

Dark brown hair like a seaweed, with the face of the stunning city, is indeed the most beautiful landscape in the cold.

"Get out of the way..." Lu Yan’s eyes are cold and cold, not at all like talking.

"Miss Lu, don't be embarrassed about us, the young master said, you can't leave here half a step."

"Don't say it's you, even if Joe didn't stop me personally, I couldn't stop it... hurry up and don't force me to kill."

"Miss Lu..." The words of the bodyguards have not been finished yet, and they have stopped.

Because Luyan did not know when he had a silver pistol, he was facing the brow of the bodyguard.

Luyan’s shooting method is faster and more accurate, which is what the world’s killers know.

The bodyguard didn't dare to move because he knew that this grandmother was not joking, and that life was the least valuable in her hands.

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind.

"Smoke, what are you doing again?"

Luyan turned back and saw Joe Fe, a Russian military uniform, with a silver hair, shining silver in the night.

"Joe metamorphosis, you just come, let them go away, I want to leave here."

"No, you can't go anywhere." Joe's attitude is firm.

"Joe, do you know? Ian went to city C, and my sister's family would be dangerous..." Lu Yan's eyes were uneasy.

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