My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2357: Do you have something to look at me? (Fives)

"So... will you help me?" Mo Xueer smiled bitterly.

Silence for a long time...

Hosham nodded slowly...

Mo Xueer finally breathed a sigh of relief...

She knows that even if he is cruel and ruthless, he is willing to help her at this time, even if it is the last time.

Huo Siqian slowly held Mo Xueer's shoulder with one hand, and the warm face was close to her.

Mo Xueer smelled the long-lost familiar taste, and for a moment, the tears fell.

Recalling my life, because I am too obsessed with love Huo Siqian, love this man who should not fall in love, so let her enter the magic road, I went the wrong way, and now it is time to wake up.

"Si Qian... If there is a next life, we should not meet each other... After the day between us... From then on..." Mo Xueer’s voice is very hoarse.

Huo Siqian nodded, then suddenly the dagger in his hand pierced Mo Xueer's heart.

Sudden pain, just a moment, then, Mo Xueer only felt that the strength of the whole body seems to have been evacuated.

Her chin slowly padded on the shoulders of Hoshim...

Then he kissed Huo Siqian's face with the last gaze and then slowly closed his eyes.

She knows that since then, she has been completely freed, and there will be no more pain and fear.

Both love and hate have vanished...

At the last moment, she just wanted to kiss the man she loved for a lifetime, thanking him for giving her a happy death at the last moment, so that she could be freed.

Huo Siqian wants to cry, but he knows not, because Ian is still watching him behind him...

He can't be as weak as a normal person, it will only leak his shortcomings.

"Adult, he killed the man..." Ian’s men reported with Ian.

Ian slowly put down the red wine glass and got up and smiled. "Huo, how can you kill it? I have no time to play..."

Huo Siqian got up and pushed Mo Xueer's body to the ground.

Then I sorted out the messy collar and looked back. I smiled a little. "This woman is too hateful and has framed me many times. I just saw her, the emotions came. I didn't hold back, like him, it was dead. It’s not a pity for a hundred times... please don’t blame the adults...”

"Of course not... How can you blame? Now that the person is dead... Nothing to play, are you interested, have dinner with me?" Ian asked.

"I am willing to serve." Although Huo Siqian still feels a little sad for Mo Xueer's death, but I can't find a flaw in Ian's face, and I promised Ian's request.

Because of Ian’s current sensitive identity, it’s impossible to eat at a restaurant in the city.

In the end, Horsham took Ian to his remote villa in the suburbs.

On the TV, the hostess’s expression was dignified. “The city bureau recently announced the information about the suspects in the home tragedy... It’s a group of foreign men with very angry faces. The photos are as follows. If there are clues, you can call and provide a reward. ""

Then there are a few pictures of Ian and a few of them. Because the monitoring has been done, so in the end the city has several witnesses. According to their description, the painter of the public security department gave the portrait, and then the city wanted. .

"The police in your country are really not very good... the efficiency of the work is very low..." Ian sighed.

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