My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2359: Do you have something to look at me? (Seven)

"Really she? It looks like it's not bad, although I am different from my Orientals, but...the girl laughs pretty cute... isn't it? But looking at this photo, it makes I think of a person..." Ian said with a picture of Huo Mian, word by word.

"Who?" asked Huo Siqian in a panic.

"Lu Yan that little goblin..." Ian smiled badly.

After listening to this sentence, Huo Siqian blew his mind... I just felt a bang, isn’t it... Ian really knows what?

"Are you so nervous? Look at your expression... Hehe." Ian looked at Hossie and laughed.

"No... Why do adults think she is like a smoke?"

"It feels like it... the feeling that can't be said." Ian took a photo and looked at it carefully.

"That Ian adults must have made a mistake. This is my sister... I grew up here since I was a child. I was the daughter of my father, Huo Zhenhai. Although I have no blood relationship with me, I have always had a good relationship with me... it’s impossible to be the person the adult is looking for..."

"What are you nervous about? I didn't say that I was looking for someone... I just said that it looks like Luyan... I didn't say she is the daughter of Professor Lu... but you are so nervous about her, it seems certain It’s true love...”

Huo Siqian bit his lip and didn't speak...

Because it is also a bad feeling, it is not bad, and talking to Ian is really a very tired thing.

"I didn't expect you to really like a girl... Oh, I also bet with Nalo, I thought... We are the same kind of people, the only ones in this world are the ones... Nalo used to Think so... if he knows that you have a girl you like, you will be very disappointed... After all, he has no chance."

"You shouldn't be kidding..." Horsham replied very unnaturally.

"Huo... I will come here to help you eradicate your opponents. Secondly, I want to help you... see what you need?"

"I really don't need anything. I am very happy that the adults helped me revenge." Huo Siqian quickly replied.

"But you still haven't got the girl you like..."

"This is no need, she... she is married and has a child." Hossein said calmly.

"This is simple, I can help you kill her husband and children..." Ian said it was so easy.

Huo Siqian was scared of a cold sweat...

"I can't, adults... I don't want that, I don't want her to hate me forever." Horsham was panicked.

"She won't hate you. After I helped you kill her family, you can imprison her, and then always take the medicine KB90 for her traits, and make sure that she listens to you after eating for a while. At your mercy, getting a woman is not easy? I am also very interested in Luyan’s little goblin, but I have no chance to catch it, or I will deal with her like this.”

"I don't want that, I hope she is willing to follow me..." Horsham bowed his head and said slowly.

"You Orientals are justty... If you get it, you will be willing, and I will focus on the result, not the process..."

"Really not, I hope to deal with this matter..." Huo Siqian was determined to rebel against Ian for the first time.

"Mr. Huo, don't know what to do, we are good to help you..." Ian said coldly and looked at Huo Siqian.

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