My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2362: Do you have something to look at me? (ten)

"No, Ian found it more troublesome. He was suspicious of me. Otherwise, he wouldn't buy Awang to inquire about my private affairs. This is the case in advance... Let's go out first, I think about it myself."

Horsham opened the remaining subordinates...

How long has it been done, but this one has killed two consecutively.

First Mo Xueer, then his own, Huo Siqian suddenly found that after killing people, the mood is not good enough...

He turned into the study, and the photo of Hume, who left Ian at the table, was carefully put back into the drawer and locked.

Then took out the phone and sent a text message to Huo Mian...

"Small sleep, is it?"

"?" Half a mile, replying to a question mark over there.

"If you are not busy in the Southern District recently, can you put a long vacation? I think there have been too many things lately. We are not too flat here... I am afraid that you will be in danger."

"My business doesn't have to be yours, I have my husband."

"You don't understand... In short, I am for you." Huo Siqian was anxious and wanted to persuade Huo Mian not to go to work in the Southern District.

It is best to go abroad to avoid the limelight, but I can't tell her that Ian is coming.

Otherwise, after Hibernation knows, it will be more uneasy.

"Small sleep... What do I think of you, don't you know in your heart? Do you think that I... will I harm you?"

"First of all, I am not a sleep, secondly, my wife's things do not have to worry about you, you still manage yourself."

After this message was replied, Huo Siqian suddenly exploded.

It turned out that the other party was actually Qin Chu... He took Hugh Mian’s mobile phone, it really made people...

Seeing the other party is Qin Chu, Huo Siqian did not continue to send text messages.

Huo Mian came out of the bathroom and rubbed his hair while looking at Qin Chu.

"Hey, someone is actually holding my cell phone... Is it going to check the post?" Huo Mian chuckled.

"Yeah, see if you haven’t been jealous recently? Are there any flowers on the outside?"

"What if I have it? You will not beat me?" Huo sleep music.

"If there is, I will only help you get rid of those flowers and plants... But I can't do this with my wife. After all, I only have such a wife. If I run away, I will go there to find one. High IQ's wife is back?" Qin Chu half joked, then put down the phone in bed.

I didn’t mention anything about Hossie’s texting, but deleted all the records.

Qin Chu did not intend to take advantage of Huo Mian, but subconsciously did not hope that Huo Siqian appeared in their lives.

"Oh, it’s rare for my family Qin to be jealous... How do I feel happy?" Huo Mian was in bed, close to Qin Chu's face and spoiled.

Qin Chu picked up the towel and gently rubbed her hair that had not dried yet.

"It turns out that you like to watch me jealous, then I will eat every day, well..." Qin Chu deliberately said so.

"Don't, if you eat it every day, I can't eat it, ha..." Huo Mian lowered his head and took out his cell phone to play.

At this time, she saw Zhu Lingling sent WeChat, it was a voice.

She pressed it slowly, then close to her ear and listen to Lingling's voice.

"Small sleep, have you read the news?"

"What news?" Huo Mian felt that once Zhu Lingling asked this sentence, basically there was a big event.

"Mo Xueer is dead, dead in a basement, very scary..." Zhu Lingling said.

"What? Mo Xueer is dead? Did the body find it?" Huo Mian was also amazed, and got a smoke from the bed.

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