My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2406: The pressure of Huo Siqian (4)

He knelt down and picked up the scattered roses... The first time I felt sad and couldn't breathe.

Later, Qin Chu went abroad, one is seven years...

The story of youth is always the same as that of spirits. It is intense and it is also indifferent.

Many years later, Huo Mian thought of what he had done in the first place, and he would feel guilty.

Even more regret, personally ruin the gift that is important to her.

Now, Qin Chu once again presents it in front of his hands. How can Huo Mian be excited and not cry?

Because this thing is extraordinary for both of them, so important.

"Husband... This thing, where did it come? I was clear that year..." Huo Mian’s words were not finished, and they stopped.

If this is Qin Chu who is looking for someone to re-do it, or if it is new, it should be a brand new one.

It doesn't look like the old one, it looks like the old one.

So Huo Mian had a bold speculation, this is the pair of hairpins that were broken by her.

Sure enough, Qin Chu nodded and said, "When you fell on it, I cautiously picked it up and kept it. I stayed there until last night. After you fell asleep, I got up in the study and glued it back. ... Although it is not so new, it is still the original one, and nothing can be replaced."

Huo Mian carefully took the starting clip, placed it in the palm of his hand, gently stroked...

Then the tears couldn’t help but fall...

"Don't cry... We should be happy." Qin Chu picked up the paper towel and got up and wiped it gently for Huoming.

"Yes, we should be happy... husband, you know? You give me all the gifts, my favorite is it..." Huo Mian’s voice trembled and looked up at Qin Chu.

"I know." Qin Daren's tone is gentle.

"Then you know why I like it the most?" Huo Mian asked.

"Because it was my student time, I bought it by myself and went out to make money for a day of private piano... I didn't use my parents' money..." Qin Chu seems to know Huo Mian very well.

Huo Mian excitedly took hold of Qin Chu's arm and nodded strongly. "Yes, because you use your own money, you are such a high-spirited person. In order to use my own money to buy gifts for me, I am willing to Do a day of piano personal relationship... Do you know what it feels like when I tell me later?"

Qin Chu laughed and said nothing... gently stroked the long hair of Huo Mian.

"I was thinking, such a man who would like to lower my head and lay down my body to love me... I want to cherish it all my life." Huo Mian said here, once again could not help crying.

"Wow... Doctor Huo, is this confession with me?" Qin Chu deliberately teased her.

"Husband...Thank you, thank you for letting me see it again... I thought... I thought I couldn't find it..." Huo Mian cried in the arms of Qin Chu.

"Don't cry... Come, I will help you wear it..." Qin Chu carefully helped Huomian wipe his tears again.

Then pick up two hair clips and help Hum sleep on your hair.

Huo Mian loved to put his hand on his head and touched it, and let the Buddha get a precious gift.

"I said, you will be very happy to see." Qin Chu smiled from the heart.

"Yes, after many years, this is still my favorite gift, no one..." Huo Mian finished, took the initiative to get up, hugged Qin Chu's generous waist, and then offered a long kiss. .

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