My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2418: Your daughter is so cute (six)

After listening to Chen Jie, Huo Mian did not feel surprised. The working hours here are not short. Every day, he will come into contact with all kinds of strange patients.

Most of them are frustrated. For example, there was a young and beautiful girl before. I heard that it was a net red anchor. It was very beautiful, but later she was slightly hurt because of her love, she was slightly hurt, and she always slept in the middle of the night. Like a sleepwalker, I ran off the street, undressed, and then attracted many people to watch... After several times, the family realized that the problem was serious and sent her to treat.

"Xiao Jie, you remember, most of the diseases of depression are highly educated people, or have any emotional stimulation... Migrant workers will not get it. I said this is not the meaning of migrant workers, but migrant workers. Every day, I want to live and work hard, I sleep when I am tired, I eat when I am hungry, my life is relatively simple, I don’t have the mind to think about it, only those who are highly educated, especially those with high morality, are old and feel that they are not understood by the world. I even read a lot of books on my own, and I feel that my ideological realm is not on the same level as the average person. Only such people will be able to look at them.

"Director, what you said is really true... I have been here for so long, and found a law. Our patients are indeed highly educated..." Chen Jie had to admire Huomian observation.

"I also speculated according to normal logical thinking..." Huo Mian smiled and continued to drink milk tea.

I am not entangled in the call that Huo Siqian just called.

When Huo Siqian had eaten and returned to Huo’s, when he entered the office, he saw Yan Ruoyi who had not seen for a long time.

Recently, she did disappear for a long time.

After Mo Xueer’s death, she had no news. Huo Siqian had not dealt with Mayor Yan.

Therefore, I did not care about the whereabouts of Yan Ruoqi. Now I saw her, but there are some accidents.

"Humble mode... Are you coming back?" Yan Ruoxi looked at Huo Siqian and walked in, opening up a weak opening.

Her style seems to have changed a lot compared to before.

Both dresses are relatively mature, not as cute as before, wearing a small skirt with Barbie dolls.

Instead, I chose a black dress with a Swarovski swan-shaped sweater chain.

Finally, there is a little bit of social temperament and taste.

"Well." Huo Siqian nodded slightly, didn't look at her more, and walked toward his desk.

"Huo Zong, there is a meeting in the afternoon, which is a new project on cooperation with Shengtang Group, starting at 2:50." The female secretary came in to report.

"I know." Huo Siqian didn't lift his eyelids, absent-minded.

"Modest... Are you in a bad mood?"

"No, you come to my company to find me? Is there something?" Huo Siqian saw this woman, it was really upset.

"No, I just went out with my mom for a while... I thought about not seeing you for a long time, come see you... Yes, this is the beaten wine I brought to you in Thailand, before you ribs Injury, hasn't it been cured? The snake medicine over there is very powerful." Yan Ruoxi said from the Hermès bag, took out the medicine bought for Huo Siqian.

"No, no, you go." Huo Siqian calmed his face.

Then open the laptop and look at the data from the secretary. I don't intend to say a word with Yan Ruoyu.

"Modest, Mo Xueer, the monk is dead, no one will find us again, my dad also agrees with our marriage... As long as we get married, it will help your career, I will do it later. A good wife and a good mother, nothing to do, just take your child with peace of mind, really, I will be very good to you, don’t you refuse me thousands of miles away, okay?” Yan Ruoqi came down to find Huo Siqian. I only hope that she can give her a chance to be a regular companion. In fact, she knows that Huo Siqian is not so bad. Otherwise, she will not be able to bear it last time. She will be saved. No matter what others say, she is still very Love this man.

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