My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2422: Your daughter is so cute (10)

"Mrs. Tang, with her legs in Tang Chuan himself, he can come back at any time. Qin Ning does not have him. You can call yourself. Why are you looking for me? I think this one. It is not within the scope of my jurisdiction. After all... He is not my son." After the words of Qin Daren’s poisonous tongue, Mrs. Tang was lying on the ground and spitting directly.

I didn’t just say a word, and his prostitute grew up and ran with people, or he made a metaphor.

This man is vengeful, targeted everywhere, and even has no intention of chatting happily.

"Qin always asked this question, extra... If I could find it, would I still use it? Now he doesn't pick up my phone at all... I suspect that he was really under house arrest by the girl." Politely speaking.

"Then you can call the police... The United States is a very fair place... If you think your son was kidnapped, imprisoned, and you can sue, why bother me with me here..."

"You...?" Mrs. Tang is really angry and can't speak.

"Sorry, I still have the business to handle, and I will not send it slowly." Qin Chu looked down at the information.

Mrs. Tang licked her fist and turned away, quite dissatisfied.

Don't look at Su Yu's fear of her, let her, but Qin Daren is quite not giving him face.

When I returned to Nanshan Castle in the evening and had dinner, Qin Chu took it out and said it.

Huo Mian is also almost laughing.

"Achu is also yours. After all, if you want to be a family member, why should you be so tit-for-tat?" Qin dad advised.

"Dad, you don't know, he is a daughter slave. In front of him, can't you say that his niece is not good at half a word, or it is provoked him, Mrs. Tang is also, why should we take out our niece? ... I am very uncomfortable listening." Huo Mian laughed.

"Have you understood me this time?" Qin Chu looked at Huo Mian with a faint look.

"Hey, my aunt really wants to get married? What is the situation? Is it too impulsive?" Doudou took the bean paste and asked for a gossip.

"Marriage is what your second grandfather said, not what your little aunt said." Qin Chu replied.

"In the end, how do you discuss it, what does your second uncle mean?" Qin asked.

"Their father and daughter did not reach a consensus, I have any way." Qin Chu is helpless.

"How is it handled now? Cold war? This father and daughter?" Huo Mian asked curiously.

"No, Ningning and Tangchuan moved out and stayed at the hotel."

"So serious?" Huo Mian was a little surprised.

At this time, Doudou interjected again. "I see that Tang Dashu wants to cook rice with aunt and aunt. It is not right. It is a cooked meal. When the young aunt is unmarried, he can be his own, ha."

"Don't talk nonsense." Huo Mian took the chopsticks and knocked on the head of the bean.

Beans spit out the tongue...

"Budding, why have you not been talking, have something to worry about?" Huo Mian looked at Pudding who had not participated in this topic and felt that it was abnormal.

"Mummy, I saw it today..." Just wanted to say the name of Huo Siqian, the pudding stopped.

Because I felt wrong, my grandparents would worry, so I swallowed back.

"Who saw it?" Huo Mian was curious.

"No... I saw a nasty guy, and I and Doudou licked him."

Douding knows that Huo Siqian can't say it in front of his grandparents, telling Mommy privately.

So I nodded, vaguely perfunctory, "Really, very annoying, hate to die, bastard."

"Doudou, don't swear words... How does Mommy usually tell you?" Huo Mian calmed his face.

"Sorry, Mommy, I didn't mean it..." Douding immediately apologized.

"Budding, are you still buying Huo's stock?" Qin Chu asked inadvertently.

"Yes, hey."

"Oh, then you can throw it all in the next two days..." Qin Chu still reacted calmly, as if to say something very boring.

"Because Huo's recent big move." Qin Chu took a bite of green vegetables, put it in the plate, elegantly said.

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