My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2431: I am willing to drift away from you (9)

"Oh, no, what do you mean by that?" Joanna looked at him with a smile.

Joe is always like an arctic iceberg...

"Okay... you don't bother... Xiaofei, your second brother... It's not unreasonable. The child of the smoke, I like it, but now I can't stay... Ian is enough to make us headache. It is even more unlikely that the Indonesian government will be an enemy. Otherwise, the business in the south will not be good. It is so decided. If you are embarrassed to drive her away, I will tell her that I believe she is so smart and will understand me. Meaning, will also understand our current situation." Joe's father is very inhuman at this moment.

Although Luyan does not care about this, she does not want to leave it.

But looking at Joe's because of defending himself, being taught by his brother and father, my heart is still not a taste.

At this time, she walked over with a smile, "Joe Bob."

Joe's father and his second brother gave a slight glimpse. Joe was not looking at her unexpectedly. "Smoke, how come you ran?"

Lu Yan looked at Qiao Fei, his eyes were extremely complicated.

But she said nothing, but looked at Joe's father and said, "Joe, thank you for being willing to take me for so long, the disaster is my sire, I will solve it myself, Ian's old nest is also my bomb. ...... The Indonesian government is also killing me. It has nothing to do with your Qiao family. You don’t need to cover me and protect me... otherwise I will not feel comfortable even if I am tired of you. I will leave here after a while, you can rest assured, No need to make a mistake."

"Small smoke... Don't blame Joe Bob for your heart. Speaking of it, I am also very friendly with your father. He has helped me a lot these years, but Xiao Fei was also trying to save you last time. Our Qiao family is doing our best... This time, those forces are really too big. You are really a person we can’t parry, so... you can only succumb to your departure, I hope you can understand that Joe Bab is a family. Lord, as a **** leader, a father's heart..."

After all, it is a man of the wind. When he speaks, he still has a lot of trouble. He said that he is very embarrassed and has a lot of difficulties. It means that he has done his best to the father and daughter of Lu Yan.

"Joe, I will not let you be embarrassed tomorrow... Joe's is good to me, I will remember."

"No, you can't leave, I'm not allowed..." Joe was cold-faced waiting for the smoke, and the gas field was cold and scared.

"Things are now... then I will solve it all at once. Today I will officially retire with you... Joe Bo is here, and it is also a testimony for us. From then on, we marry a man and a woman, each is irrelevant... Since it is gone Marriage contract, Joe Fei, you have no reason to take care of me again... just like this, thank you."

After that, Lu Yan turned around and left...

But he was caught in the arm by Joe.

"Joe metamorphosis, you are quick to let go... Otherwise I have to turn my face..." Lu Yan felt that the words had already been said, if he could not go out today, he would continue to rely on Joe’s family, throwing away the dead, and his face was gone, so Even for self-esteem, it will not continue.

I know, Joe not only did not let go, but turned to his father and said, "Father, are you really unable to tolerate a small cigarette?"

"I can't hold it, it's..." Joe's father was asked a little embarrassed by his son.

"So... I will leave with a small cigarette."

After that, Joe did not hold the hand of Lu Yan and went away...

Joe's father was angry and said, "You stand for me."

"Qiao Fei... What are you doing?" Lu Yan is also a face of arrogance.

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