My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2440: I only have one month (eight)

"Of course not, how can you think so?" Huo Mian has to turn his eyes. Is she such a person?

She has always felt that there is no one in the world who wants Su Yu to be happy.

But the key question is that Su Yu people will appreciate it?

If Huo Mian took the initiative to introduce him to a blind date, would he be very repulsive? Or will it get angry?

These are unpredictable...

"That Mommy, you will help Su Shuai to find out... Mommy, you are so smart, people are very accurate, the friends you make, such as a little aunt, Lingling aunt, Xixi Xiaoyan, Xiaojie Xiaoyan, Bella Xiaoyan... They are all so good, so if you are in the hospital, if you meet a good girl... remember to pay attention to Su Shuai, okay?" Douding advised Huo Mian.

"That's okay, I'm afraid he will... forget it, really, what do I wrap with a three-year-old child here? Really..." After that, Huo Mian took his forehead and left.

I was almost circulated by the bean diced, she was a child, she was really...

There is also a savoir-following with her to continue to waffle there, Su Yu to find a girlfriend, such a big thing, but their mother and daughter can be finalized at home.

Downstairs, Qin Chu and his eldest daughter Pudding are also in full swing.

Pudding: I still want to buy stocks of Huo.

Qin Chu: Although the crisis of the last roll of money was resolved, but Holmes will not be too peaceful, you should wait and see.

Pudding: No, I mean, when the next crisis breaks out, when I fall to the lowest, I buy more.

Qin Chu: Then?

Pudding: Maybe after the Huo's collapse, the shares were divided. I can fish in the water, mix a little bit of Huo's internal equity, and control some shares. Of course, this is just my personal opinion.

Qin Chu: Are you interested in Holmes?

Pudding: No, no interest.

Qin Chu: What do you mean by doing this? Just to make money?

Qin Chuyi was also thinking about the thoughts of prostitutes.

Pudding: Although I am not interested in Holmes, but it is also a thing that belongs to Mommy’s family. I am willing to help her get it back. Don’t forget that Mommy is also a surname.

Qin Chu suddenly realized that he would not be interested. If you are interested, you will not give up with it at the beginning. She has never had a good impression on the Huo family..."

Pudding: That can't let Hoo's fall in the hands of the big bad guy.

Qin Chu: Well, your approach is also fresh and supportively. You will not be suspicious as a retail buyer, but you can't buy more than 10 million.

Pudding: I know, I am very careful about what I will do.

Qin Chu: Is the money enough? I will give you some more?

Pudding: No, the money is sufficient, and you will say it when you need it.

Qin Chu: It’s beautiful. It seems that the family business will depend on you in the future... Douding is not expected.

Qin Chu smiled and sighed...

Pudding: No, I am not interested. I don’t want to do business management when I grow up, I don’t want to run a business.

Qin Chu gave a slight glimpse, "What do you want to do?"

"My wish is... forget it. Now it is equal to empty talk. I will know later. As for the family business... I think we may have a younger brother in the future, so... you don't have to worry, we will succeed in the Qin family. Someone's..." The pudding language took a deep slap on the shoulders.

Qin Chu cried and laughed...

It seems that the birth of the second child not only won the support of the two daughters, but also put them on the agenda.

Huojia old house

"Boss, it's not good, the company is over there... It's a big deal..." Huo Siqian's men rushed to report.

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