My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2449: War without smoke (7)

Bella went out for a while, and Zhixin came in.

Now Zhixin, because there are Qin Chu belts in GK, Xiao Yang and Beira, have become mature.

No one thinks that this little scorpion of Qin is purely a young master who has come in.

At the staff meeting half a month ago, Jing Zhixin has been promoted from the department head to the director of the operation department, and the more senior executives look.

"Sister, how come you?" Zhixin wore a black suit. When he came in, he saw Xiaomian laughing.

"I have come over to work since I got off work today. How? I heard that you are promoted, stinky, and you can't do it."

"Oh, naturally, because everyone is helping me, I have today, but... I said that my promotion was a matter of half a month ago, and your sister responded slowly..." Zhixin spit.

Huo Mian:...

"Cough... Inside, how are you and Bella, don't tell me that I haven't made progress yet."

"I went to her house for dinner last weekend. She gave me the food I personally made. Is it a progress?" Zhixin is proud.

"Then you are sure that the relationship is not?" Huo Mian helplessly laughed, this silly younger brother is really stupid and sweet.

Even chasing girls is so conservative...

"Let's come slowly, worry about what, if the shot is too fierce, scare her, maybe even friends can't do it."

"Well, you won... Jing Zhixin."

"Sister, if you are fine, I will go out. I still have some work on hand, right... Mom said I want pudding and peas. You have to rest this week, take them both home... now Your in-laws live in Nanshan Castle, and my mother and I are not as convenient as before...."


"But you wait, I have something to ask you." Huo Mian shouted Zhixin.

"Well, you ask, sister."

"Your brother-in-law... I mean, Mr. Qin, he recently... Is there any abnormal behavior?"

"Ah? Abnormal behavior? No?" Zhixin was asked by her sister.

“He usually works at the company when he goes to work. Is there more time to go out?”

"When you go out... okay, but there are not many outings alone, all of whom are accompanied by me or Yang."

"That... can you have any strangers who are not familiar with you?"

"My brother-in-law is all customers, many of my clients I don't know. Isn't this a stranger?" Zhixin didn't know how to answer it.

Huo Mian is somewhat distracted and seems to be wondering what is going on.

"Sister, good end, how do you check the prisoner, you should not be... doubt what the brother-in-law is?" Zhixin looked at his sister curiously.

"I didn't tell you before, can you have a woman outside your brother-in-law?" Huo Mian half-jokingly looked at Zhixin.

"Oh... I am just a phone call that I accidentally heard. In case I misunderstood it? I think... my brother-in-law is not like that person, and if there is a woman outside, there will be clues? But now He went home the first time after work, and he didn’t have any entertainment. Is there a man who still has time to find a woman? So sister, you don’t have to be suspicious...”

"Well, you are now urging me to come. You didn't say that at the beginning." Huo Mian laughed.

"Hey, I was also a good friend at that time, so I have to be wary of it, but now I am in the company, and I am with my brother-in-law all day. It is equal to monitoring him in disguise. Don't worry, if something is wrong, I am sure to talk to you for the first time." report."

"Well, that line, go go busy."

"Okay." Zhixin left.

Huo Mian sighed slightly.

She is not worried that Qin Chu carries her and she has a woman. She is worried that Qin Chu is the same as last time. She was restrained by Huo Siqian and refused to let herself know that she was under pressure, so Huo Mian wanted to ask and see. Zhixin recently discovered what was not, and the result was nothing.

"What do you want?" Suddenly, the familiar voice came from behind and scared.

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