My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2451: War without smoke (9)

"Small sleep, you let your family Qin also buy one to play, cool..."

"Forget it, my family Qin Daren does not like such a high-profile, this kind of car, Su Yu will not open, it is estimated that the kind of child character of Tang Chuan likes to buy burning money to play, my family is now two babies, the sports car has Not practical, it is all used by the rich and handsome girl, we will change the kind of car nanny car in the future, or seven business... there are small and old."

"The amount is also right."

The two talked and went upstairs.

When I arrived at the door of the private room, Han Xu was already standing there waiting for everyone.

"Hey, two big beautiful women, finally waiting for you, fast."

"Who is coming? The squad leader?" Zhu Lingling asked.

"Too much, just wait for both of you, go ahead."

"Well." Zhu Lingling nodded with a smile.

"Ximian, both of you are driving?" Han Xu looked at Huo Mian behind Zhu Lingling.

"No, we are driving a car."

"Is your R8?" Han Xu's eyes brightened.

"Well, it's still the R8." Huo Mian is still low-key.

"To say that these girls are in class, you have tastes, unlike those who are upstarts. Unlike them, they only know what Mercedes-Benz BMW is, and the earth is dead."

"No, I just like this, I didn't think so much." Huo Mian smiled.

Then the three walked in, perhaps because Zhu Lingling and Huo Mian Yan are better, mixed is also very good, so one enters the door.

It ignited the atmosphere of the audience, and everyone screamed that "the two big beauties are late, and they want to punish the wine, fast and fast, three cups per person."

"Why? Bully people... Who is late, let me drink three cups, you can do the same, you first make three cups, I see?" Zhu Lingling replied sharply to a male student.

Then Han Xu gave them two stools and sat down.

At this time, Han Xu asked in a circle, "What about Liu Ze?"

"Oh, just go on and call and ask people to send wine, Liu Gongzi tastes very high, saying that this wine is not good." Someone replied.

Han Xu nodded, not saying anything, others took the initiative to say hello, and Huo Mian was also a polite smile.

"Huo Mian, why didn't your husband come?" asked a slightly fat female student.

"Oh, he has something today."

"It’s not the same with money and identity. It seems that people like this are disdainful." A boy is sour and sloppy.

Huo Mian didn't talk, Zhu Lingling was not happy, and looked at the kid and asked, "What do you say, if you say that, Huo Mian will not come, don't think that people think so badly... I mean low self-esteem, inferiority, don't Take money to talk about things, so it’s just 30 years old. Don’t talk so much.”

After Zhu Lingling finished, the boy was obviously ugly.

Han Xu quickly made a laugh at the round field. "Look, Lingling's sisters are all out of power. You shouldn't bully others later, or you'll be anxious, let Lingling's husband shut you all in the bureau."

Everyone was laughing and laughing, and the door was pushed open.

The man who came in a tall beast, Sven, was very white, wearing a white shirt and a dark blue sweater.

Very gentleman's match is also a well-known international big name.

This body is wearing a temperament, you can see it, this is another powerful.

"Hey, Liu Gongzi is back." The crowd did not know who shouted.

Everyone looked sideways, and Huo Mian also looked up and found that he had no idea. After all, this time, the person did not stay in their class for too long. Huo Mian really had no impression.

It was Liu Ze, who recognized Huo Mian at a glance. "Huo Mian, you look the same as you did in the past."

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