My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2458: The situation is getting more complicated (5)

"I look a lot like me?" Huo Mian was asked by him, and he was embarrassed.

"Well, have you seen it?"

"Is cotton candy really counted?" Huo Yin grinned.

Marshmallow is also an artist of Su Yu Company. It used to be a long time. Later, it was said that I met a group and opened it, then I was busy with love and faded out of the film and television circle.

At that time, the woman’s stage name was because of a cotton word, and the name of Huo Mian was the same, and she was taken care of by Su Yu for a while.

This woman later learned that Su Yu liked Huo Mian, but also deliberately went to the plastic surgery agency and did some facial features.

It became a bit more delicate, but she said that she was very far away from Huo Mian, except for her name.

"No, what I said is very similar. You think about it." Qin Chu said seriously.

"The appearance...I don't have it. I didn't have a high face value, so even if the plastic surgery didn't follow my appearance, you know, Xiaoyan is my sister, but she looks like me. It’s not like fighting, don’t say anything else, what’s wrong, why do you want this?”

"Nothing, I just saw a woman inadvertently today, and the back is very similar to you."

"Hey, why am I doing something, it’s not normal to have a similar back." Huo Mian then kissed Qin Chu with a kiss.

Then turned and walked out, "I went downstairs to see the children, you are busy first."

When Huo Mian just went out, Gao Ran returned.

"How? Did you find it?" Qin Chu asked anxiously.

"Man, I really looked for it. I looked very carefully. I really didn't. I didn't even have a three-pointer, let alone like Huo Mian. Are you wrong?"

Gao Ran browsed the photos of a lot of women in the computer database, did not find a similar to Huo Mian.

"okay, I get it."

After that, Qin Chu hung up the phone and frowned slightly. The situation is getting more and more complicated.

At this time, this kind of thing happened, this is very strange, how can Qin Chu not think about it?

Mumbai, India

Lu Yan wore a long skirt with local characteristics, with a headscarf, and walked carefully on the street.

This time she was really in trouble. In addition to avoiding Ian’s pursuit, she must always worry about the killers who killed her for one billion.

After she and Joe Fei left Russia, they went to the ****, then all the way from Africa to Australia, and finally turned around in Nepal, India.

The more people there are, the more chaotic the place is, but the place in India is so dirty that it makes her like it.

After buying some snacks, she walked through the small alley and found two Indian men standing in front of the road.

In order not to reveal the whereabouts, Luyan did not want to cause trouble, so he turned and went back.

But he found two Indian men with big beard and skinny behind him.

It seems that both sides have been surrounded by people, and there is no retreat.

"Hey, this woman looks so white... unlike us, it must be fun today." One of the men said in Hindi.

"Today I am in a good mood, I don't want to kill people, ten seconds, hurry up." Lu Yan said in extremely standard Indian dialect.

"Hey, she will also speak our language, this foreigner is very good." One of the men was pleasantly surprised.

"Woman, we don't want to hurt you, take off your clothes and lie down..." India's Ah San, seeing a woman is like a mosquito with blood, his eyes are all animalistic.

"Nima, this is forcing me to shoot..." Lu Yan sighed and threw the food in his hand on the floor, muttering Chinese in his mouth and rubbing his fist in his hand, really for a long time. Fighting with bare hands.

"What is she talking about?" Several Indian men are obviously confused.

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