My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2460: The situation is getting more complicated (7)

"You mean..." Joe did not think that Luyan would have such a crazy idea.

"Yes, I am going to go to my loved ones like this."

"But are you not afraid to bring trouble to them? Especially the sister..."

"That can't be afraid for a lifetime. You know, Ian has checked it now. I think it will not be long before I will find my sister. I am afraid that this matter will not last long. Especially so fearful, it is better to face it directly." It’s better to come.”

"That's the case, but I still think you are too rash."

"Qiao Fei, in fact, I am afraid... In case, in case... I..." Lu Yan’s words have not been finished.

Joe Fei came over and took the initiative to pull up her hand and put it on her lips.

"Don't think too much, everything has me."

He knows what Luyan wants to say, but he won't let her say such pessimistic words. As long as he is still alive, he will never let Luyan accident.

After Lu Yan heard it, a warmth in his heart slowly slipped over. The longer he stayed with Joe, the more he found that he had less words.

But when you warm up, you are definitely not worse than anyone, and even you will do better.

She just wanted to say that I was afraid that if I was killed someday, I might not have time to meet my family.

See the old lady, my sister, and the niece of the eccentric.

But Joe did not let her say, so she felt that this man really cares very much about himself.

The two did not have time to eat, and simply took up their luggage and left Mumbai in a hurry.

Because the Indian side is very chaotic, the airport is absolutely safe. Joe Fei and Lu Yan got a broken pickup truck and drove directly through three cities.

Then flew away in the turn, and opened those chasing soldiers.

Indonesia Headquarters

"Reporting the chief, they ran...." The next soldier said in Indonesian.

"Bastard." The elderly Indonesian officer, who got up and madly patted the table, and squatted.

"You can't even catch a group of women."

"Sir, this is not an ordinary woman, the woman is very powerful, and the killers who went for the bounty are also dead under her."

"I don't want to listen to the explanation, continue to kill me."

"Yes, sir."

When the soldier turned and went out, Ian just came in with his subordinates.

"Merck Merck, great anger." Ian smiled.

"Ian, are you here?" When Ian came in, the chief immediately greeted him with graciousness.

"How? I heard that you have the news of Luyan?" Ian leaned on the sofa and asked casually.

"Yes, but... they were ran away. I sent a lot of people to Mumbai, but..." said that the chief seems to be awkward.

"Don't be depressed. You can't kill the land smoke. It's normal. If you are killed easily, it's not the top mercenary."

"Yes, Ian is right."

"Let's do it... Your people stop for a while... Don't mess with it, Lu Yan first handed it to me, I want to live."

"Ian adults must also catch the woman?"

"Yes, she is very useful to me..." Ian smiled mysteriously.

"Okay, then I will give her whereabouts to the adults." After that, the sergeant picked up a high-tech positioning instrument and handed it over to Ian.

"According to our tracking, she and her companions have already transferred to Israel and are expected to arrive in five hours."

"Companion, oh, yes, you don't say I forgot, Joe's kid has been separated from the family and is with her." Ian snorted and said slowly.

"Adult, do we need to deploy a killing plan in Israel? There is our site." Ian’s men whispered in his ear.

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