My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2465: Never fight with me (3)

"You are wrong... You don't have to sleep, you don't have to come in. You and I don't even have a grudge. You don't want to look at yourself too much... If it's not Xiaomian, you think Hossie After death, I will still keep you? You can live to this day, and thank you to all of them... but you, the woman who doesn’t know the life and death, is dead again..."

Huo Siqian is extremely annoying to Huo Wei. He used to hate it. Now he hates it. It is still the same in the future.

Not only because she used to fly, she was as stupid as Huo Siyi, but because she had no brains, so the things she did were quite shameful.

"I really regret it... I regret not having and..." Just wanted to say that, suddenly felt inappropriate, Huo Wei immediately stopped.

"What do you regret? Do you regret that you have not poisoned me with Mo Xueer?" Huo Siqian raised his eyebrows.

"You... how do you know?" Huo Wei only felt cold.

"Say you stupid, you are really stupid to get home, and you also have a surname, Huo, really defiled our word Huo... or else, if you, this woman is not worthy to give my sister Xiaomian sister shoes, Tell you, Mo Xueer’s every move is under my control. Although she is also smart, but better than you, she can get rid of it, at least not afraid of death... and what you can’t do, but still Use others, use your disgusting little white rabbit, fool this man into death for you, huh, huh... you are so sad in your heart... you are a woman who loves to play things, this life is doomed to not get true love ... this is your retribution."

"You..." How Huo wanted to say, but this moment was unable to refute.

Because she did not expect that he and Mo Xueer's so mysterious transaction, he knows clearly, but fortunately did not start at that time, or the consequences are unimaginable.

"Never fight with me, I can let you die in minutes." This is Hoschen's advice to her and the men around her.

"Oh... let's go to Hume, he can't see Xiaomian, he won't put sweet." Shen Mingxi lowered his voice in Huo's ear.

"Is not going to go? If I change my mind, your daughter is really a mummy." Huo Siqian sneered.

Huo Wei held his fist tightly, then turned and ran, and Shen Mingxi followed her.

"Boss, you said... Shen Mingxi looked very smart, how can he be used by Huo Wei?" Huo Siqian was sorry for Shen Gongzi.

"Shen Mingxi is different from the other three. People know what they want, and he never knows what they want. Before they married Wei, they were not willing, but they also compromised the family forces. Later, they saw Huo. It’s pitiful, it’s because of sympathy, so it’s good for her. Later, after being looked at by Huo’s thoughts, she used it again and again, and tempted him to break up with Wei Ying and Wei’s family again and again, and then mix it with Huo Wei. Together...but these are not the most terrible."

Speaking of this, Hoss humbled and continued, "The most terrible thing is that Shen Mingxi has always thought that the **** between him and Huo Wei is love, hehe."

"The boss said this, it’s’s really different from Su Yu.”

"Of course not the same, Su Yu that kid is very savvy, the most important eye is good, can see Xiaomian all good ...." Huo Siqian smiled.

Out of the hotel, Huo Wei was worried, she did not know, this time to seek Huo Mian, can Huo Mian help her?

After all, Huo Mian is very hateful of her third-party identity. Since she followed Shen Mingxi, Huo Mian seems to be less enthusiastic about her than before.

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