My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2473: Bureau of the Bureau, mystery in the mystery (1)

"This is our deputy dean, but also a very authoritative doctor." The little nurse introduced.

I heard that it was the vice president, and the old lady’s face was only a little relieved.

"Since it is the deputy dean, then I will arrange for my daughter to enter the delivery room... I will give birth to my grandson." The old lady ordered.

Huo Mian did not pay attention to the old lady, went straight to the bed and looked at the mother.

The woman has pale face and sweaty. It seems that the mind is not very clear. It is estimated that the pain is too strong.

Huo Mian reached out and touched her forehead, but fortunately there was no fever.

Looked at your heart rate and blood pressure, and found that they have started to go higher.

"Are you alright?" Huo Mian held the hand of the mother and asked softly.

The maternal slowly opened his eyes, looked at the hibernation, and then nodded reluctantly, seemingly painful and unable to speak.

"You don't have to talk, you listen to me... Your situation is very dangerous. We have checked you and found that the position of the fetus is already biased, and it shows in the color ultrasound that the fetus is obviously too big. If you insist on the birth, you will Life-threatening, not only you, the baby may also suffocate in the process of birth... So we intend to do a laparotomy for you right away, but your family refuses to sign, so I intend to ask you, you can yourself Press the fingerprint, as long as you agree, we will do it immediately. If you still insist on going down the product, what will happen in the future, you have to bear it, and regret it is too late, I will give you a minute to consider, you want Next, nod if you agree."

The mother had not waited to talk, and her mother-in-law had blown up.

"Do you want to get rid of the scorpion? We all said, no surgery, you doctors, black heart hospital, want to hang our money, we all know ... thousands of surgery, thousands of laparotomy, let you I’ve been cheated, unscrupulous doctors, don’t want to move me, we’re going to give birth.”

"In her current situation, if she does not meet her delivery, she will be in danger." Huo Mian explained.

"If you scare people, you will say that your technology is not home. If you don't dare to get it, we will transfer to the hospital immediately. We will go to the first hospital to get it. You doctors, you can't do your own medicine, and you want to fool us. It's really a bad home." ”

"In the current situation, if you transfer to the hospital, adults and children are at risk." Huo Mian continued.

"I don't believe your ghost, son, you go to call a taxi, let's go." The old lady was very angry and turned to look at the son standing behind her.

The man is one meter tall and eighty, but it seems that he is only unassuming, and he has no idea. Everything has to listen to his mother. At first glance, it is a typical mom.

Huo Mian ignored them and once again got close to the mother. "Are you thinking about it? You have to make a choice for you and your baby's safety. Otherwise, your mother-in-law will transfer to you. If you have an accident in the middle, the gods will save. Can't you, don't let your ignorance, delay an innocent life."

Maybe it was Huo Mian's words that made the mother have shaken. In the end, she nodded.

"Do you agree to the operation?" Huo Mian asked.

The mother nodded again.

"Xiao Lin, go to the surgery risk book, I will let the mother sign it."

"Okay, deputy dean."

"Do you dare? If you give us surgery, I will tell you that your hospital has closed down, and you have lost your family. I will tell you..." The ignorant old lady blocked the little nurse from letting her go to the risk book.

"Xiao Rong, you are going to inform Director Zhao that they are preparing for surgery. I will send the mother to the operating room now."

"Okay, deputy dean."

"You are still stupid to do, come over, stop this woman..." The old lady was also anxious, shouting at the son behind him.

The man just woke up like a dream, walked a few steps, stopped Huo Mian, and prevented her from moving.

"If you do this, it will kill your wife and children, do you know?" Huo Mian asked coldly.

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