My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2475: Bureau of the Bureau, mystery in the mystery (3)

"Dr. Liu, you haven't seen it before, that wonderful scene... Our vice president, ah, can be a cow, to fight against a pair of unreasonable stupid mother and child, to save a maternal life, oh, no. Although the maternity still does not know the situation, our team’s deputy dean’s medical skills are confident, and I believe that adults and children must be safe and sound.”

The assistant excitedly told the story of Liu Ze.

He suddenly apologized to Huo Mian, it is no wonder that this woman was regarded as a legend in the Southern District. It seems that there is indeed something extraordinary.

"Excuse me... Is Dr. Huomian there?" Su Yu, a white Versace suit, walked in with one hand and went to the door of the hall to ask.

"Amount, Su Shao, you wait a moment... I ask." The guidance of the hall neglected to see Su Yu, and the excited heart would jump out.

Su Yu was once hospitalized in the Southern District, and he occasionally came to see Huo Mian, so the South District Little Nurse basically did not know him.

Especially his limited edition Lamborghini sixth element, it is so cool to have no friends.

After making a phone call, the little nurse said with a red cheek. "We are now operating in the obstetrics and gynaecology department, and I am expecting it to come out soon. Su Shao, wait a minute, okay?"

"Well, nothing, I am going to the office to wait for her."

After that, Su Yu went straight to the office of Huo Mian.

"The deputy dean is so happy... Actually, Su Shao is a good friend..." The little nurse looked at Su Yu in the back.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Gate

"Doctor Huo, how about the mother?" Several small nurses are very concerned about the health of the mother.

"It's okay, but it's time to rescue." Huo Mian took off his mask and took a long breath.

"My grandson? My grandson is fine?" The old lady did not know where it popped out.

Huo Mian glanced at her and said coldly, "What a child is born is a little princess."

"What?" The old lady suddenly raised her voice.

"Is it a girl?" The man was obviously a little surprised.

"Female baby, eight pounds two or two, white and fat, this weight, your wife is impossible to give birth, but surgery."

After Hughing finished, he walked tiredly toward the office.

The old lady and the man apparently did not believe it, but they had to rush in, but they were stopped.

"After the family waits, the mother will come out immediately."

"We want to see children." The old lady is very excited.

"The child will come out immediately, wait patiently."

Huo Mian laughed and sighed. To tell the truth, I knew that the old lady was a patriarch and a grandson. So Huo Ming just told her that she was a female baby. It was really cool to see the wrong expression on her face.

If such a person does not stay, what about a girl? Isn’t the girl a bad girl?

If everyone is born with a baby boy, where to find a wife, is the world going to base?

Thinking of this crazy idea, Humeng couldn't help but smile.

Hey, she laughed.

"What is so funny?" Liu Ze did not know where it came from, and scared Huo Mian.


"Drink something, just heard about your heroic deeds, Dr. Huo, you are really good." Liu Ze handed a bottle of Red Bull to add energy to Huoming.

However, it was very unexpected that she did not pick up. For the drink given by a stranger, especially Liu Ze who is suspected by her, she is not easy to drink.

"Thank you, but I don't like to drink, or boiled water is more suitable for me."

At this time, Liu Zegang wanted to say something and saw Su Yu coming from afar. Liu Ze suddenly stopped and did not follow Huo Mian.

"Small sleep, have you finished the surgery?" Su Yu Wen and a smile.

"Su Ye, how are you so free today?" Seeing Su Yu, Huo Mian had some minor accidents.

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