My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2487: Bureau of the Bureau, mystery in the mystery (fifteen)

"I think... Huo Mian is not as good as you think."

After Shen Mingxi’s sentence is finished, Su Yu’s face has changed.

"Continue...." He did not immediately refute, just sinking and continue to listen to him.

"I think this woman is very motivated and means, you think, she is not a wealthy person, but she can marry Qin Chu, have to say that there are two sons, and her mother is a small three, do you know?"

"Continue...." Su Yu lowered her head and rubbed her hand on her chin.

"When she went to school, she fell in love with Qin Chu. Qin Chu went abroad. She found another boyfriend. This woman said nothing, and it was not very good... I heard that the person was married, and Qin Chu came back. After that, I immediately yelled at the man, what is Ning Zhiyuan... This is no problem. After she married Qin Chu, she did not let Qin Chu openly, she had been secretly married, pretending to be single, in the hospital, I don’t know. In what way, I was beaten by the dean, and I was promoted all the way, and I volunteered to go to the Southern District Sanatorium. As we all know, the Southern District Sanatorium is a place where the high-ranking children are specially recuperated. This kind of practice is known as Sima Zhao’s heart. The result just happened to meet you who was injured in hospital... Then I tried my best to let you like her, but I wanted to refuse to welcome it... It has caused you to have a crush on her for years, and I was infatuated with her. Later, Qin Chu accident, she moved closer to you. As a result, Qin Chu came back and kicked you off immediately... and it is said that he and Huo Xiqian also have unclear relationship... Although they are related to blood, they are also brothers and sisters in name, after all, they are Huo’s family... So, Su Ye, father, like son, I do not know this woman, what do you like her? "

"Is there still?" Su Yu looked up and quietly looked at Shen Mingxi.

Shen Mingxi may have some unexpected Su Yu's reaction, so the first thing is a glimpse. Then he said, "Just say a few days ago, Huo Siqian grabbed his daughter, and Huo Siqian named Huo Mian, we went to ask her. As a result, she not only did not want to, but also made us a satire... Don't forget, when her daughter was arrested, we managed to save the twins, and we will compare our hearts. The key moments can best be seen."

"Then she finally went there?" Su Yu asked.

"Oh, that's it, but it's also unwilling, and I said that I will help us the last time."

"Well." Su Yu nodded.

"So Soe, you said..." Shen Mingxi’s words have not been finished, and Su Yu’s fist slammed into his face.

The strength of the road, let Shen Mingxi fall down on the sofa, and then the nose and blood, showing the degree of anger of Su Yu.

"Su Ye, you..." Shen Mingxi was a bit aggressive.

"I don't know why I hit you, are you?" Su Yu asked calmly.

Shen Mingxi did not speak, Su Yu directly bent down, pulling Shen Mingxi's collar, pulling him suddenly.

Then, facing the right face, there was a heavy punch. After this punch, Shen Mingxi basically could not get up.

I only feel dizzy and look like Venus...

"Su Ye, what's wrong with this?"

The people around me didn’t bother to sing and drink, and they came to pull the racks.

"All of them will go out to Laozi... or else don't blame Laozi's six parents for not recognizing." Su Yu was angry.

After a dice, all of them silently quit the private room...

Su Yu pulled a leather chair and sat on it, watching Shen Mingxi lying on the ground.

"Are you hurting?" Su Yu looked at him coldly. The momentum is condescending, and for a long time I have not seen Su Yufa so much fire, Shen Mingxi is a little scared.

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