My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2509: The last trump card (seventeen)

"Mummy is working overtime and has surgery." Qin Chu patiently explained.

"Hey, I don't mean you, I think you have been... a little cold to Mommy."

"Amount..." Qin Chu was told by Douding that he did not know how to answer it.

"So you have a woman outside?" Douding asked with a black face.

The pudding secretly gave the sister a thumbs up. Usually, the peas also liked to talk nonsense, so she asked nothing strange.

"Doudou, what do you say... Is it such a person?"

"It’s not awkward."

"That's not it?" Qin Chu jumped an eyebrow, thinking, there is still a little trust in her daughter.

But the next sentence of Douding once again made him speechless.

"Don't be such a person, but those women outside are... Now in this society, the Internet is so developed, I tell you, what a stranger, WeChat, nearby people... Drifting bottles, various Channels, as the city's first high-rich handsome, good value, good family life, financial strength, it must be the target of those foxes stare ... no matter how good men can not stand hooking, women are also very shameless Horrible, I will tell you."

Qin Chu: ...

"Are you listening?"

"Well, I am listening." Qin Chu nodded seriously.

Douding continues to reprimand, "But you have to remember that those women are drawing your money, or drawing your face, it is not true. In this world, there are only moms... and two of us. And grandma, oh, yes, and a little aunt, only our family talents really love you, understand?"

"Understand." Qin Daren continued to nod and listened to his daughter's teaching.

"You and Mummy have known each other for so many years. Together, it is inevitable that there is no sense of freshness. This is understandable, but... you should pay attention to the scale... and I tell you that not only you are rushing, but also Mommy. Not a yellow face, a housewife, a buns."

The squid said that the saliva was flying, and a pair of chubby hands followed the strokes, which was extremely cute.

Qin Chuqiang endured a smile, leaning his arms against the sofa and listening to his daughter's jealousy.

For the first time, the pudding felt that her sister was very useful, so she also handed her a red strawberry to her dogleg.

"Thank you." After taking the strawberry, Douding continued to learn while eating.

"What is your mommy?" Qin Chu asked with a smile.

"Mummy is a genius... I was a famous city in my teens. Although I haven’t been to a famous university, I am also a self-taught doctor. I am a leading doctor. If I am young, I will be a vice president. Mummy, although not long enough to be amazing, but has connotation, has the mind, has wisdom, calm and calm, less nonsense, enough to be righteous... heart and kindness, although sometimes it is quite fierce to me and my sister, but I know it is also for us. Ok, such a woman, the only one in the world."

"It’s like saying that the streets are all the same." Qin Chu smiled.

"The land is also limited in the world, so I said that the two of you are very good. You two are the best match. Don't give others a chance... Then I will tell you, if you ignore Mummy, you are despised. If you enter, you can't find the tone, you know, not only Su Shuai is interesting to Mommy, but also the big bad guy of Huo Siqian, oh, right, I heard that many male doctors in the Southern District are also opposite to the mother. Mi Mi secretly loves you, you have a baby in your hand, you have to cherish it."

"Well, it makes sense." Qin Chu deliberately cooperated with her daughter and nodded.

"So... you have to give birth to your younger brother, so that we both have someone for the black pot..." Douding is so eager to forget, directly saying that it leaks.

"What are you talking about?" Qin Chu narrowed his eyes.

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