My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2511: The last trump card (19)

Liu Ze smiled. "I am a man. There is no other advantage. It is a good memory. At that time, during the time I borrowed from the second, I often saw you go to the street behind the school, Axin Ramen, to eat. At the time, I thought that this girl likes to eat ramen."

"Yes, cheap and affordable, I really like to eat." Huo Mian nodded.

"Well, so I think it should suit your appetite."

"But I don't remember Ashin Ramen to give away food." Huo Mian often went to know that there was a busy death, there is no time to take delivery, not to mention the fact that Ashin Ramen is far away from the Southern District, so Liu Ze How did the ramen come, and it is still to be verified.

"I bought it by car."

"So... Dr. Liu, you are so tempted to please me, is there anything I can do for you?" Huo Mian asked directly.

"If I said no, does it seem to be inconsistent with normal logic?" Liu Ze asked.

"This is the case."

"Well, then I will ask Vice President Huo. When I work again, I will take care of it. After all, I am a new doctor."

"Dr. Liu is really joking. You are a medical doctor from Haigui. We are all overwhelmed by our hospitals. President Wu is very appreciative of you, and I need my care."

"Okay, kidding you, eat it soon, it will be cold."

Said, Liu Ze picked up the chopsticks just to eat, but Huo Mian said, "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" He didn't know why.

"I eat your bowl, this bowl is too much, I can't eat it." Huo Mian said to push his eyes.

Liu Ze smiled and said only one word. "it is good."

In fact, he knew in his heart that Huo Mian was unable to bear with his food, so he was temporarily exchanged with him. It seems that this woman's defense is not generally strong.

This method of eating ramen does not know why, Huo Mian feels that it is not delicious in the store.

Although the taste is the same, there may be no environment and atmosphere.

After the two finished eating noodles, Huo Mian replaced the casual clothes and drove away from the Southern District.

Liu Ze did not say too much to Huo Mian. He felt that it is not so simple to contact Huo Mian.

South Gate

After watching Huo Yin leave the white Porsche, a black Mercedes 600 stops in the distance.

It looks quite mysterious in the night.

"Boss, Miss Huo is really early and late, Qin Chu is also, they both seem... are not as good as before."

"Oh, this is the beginning, the good play is still behind, what is it?" Huo Siqian took the lighter to play.

"Boss, but according to the plan, I think... Miss Huo will be very pitiful, she will be excluded... I feel that I will be abandoned by the world and I will feel lost."

"That is what I want."

"The subordinates don't understand." The young man in the car is the confidant of Huo Siqian, but this time the boss did not understand this move.

Usually, the boss is the most painful Miss Huo. Whoever said that she is not good, the boss turned his face first.

But now, how can the boss be willing to...

"A city, you don't need to understand, what I want is only the result. It doesn't matter if the process is hard. Since it is my last trump card, the total win is beautiful."


"Come on, it’s a good day tonight, I want to celebrate with a bottle of wine." After that, the black Mercedes started slowly.

Qin Chu’s mobile phone began to receive small videos from mysterious numbers, or only the ones with no sound.

In the video, Huo Mian and Liu Ze are eating noodles in the office. The words on the take-away bag are printed with the words of Axin Ramen. It is very clear.

Qin Chu just looked at it quietly and did not speak.

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