My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2527: People love Zhang Manlin (5)

"Mummy, whoever learns, these are not the key points, the point is... you two are like this, we are in a hurry." Douding skillfully transferred the topic.

"What are we like?" Huo Mian laughed while eating.

"You two, the atmosphere in the house has become weird, so terrible... I think the younger brother of the second child has to be ruined."

" don't bother to think about it, okay? You are good with Mommy."

Huo Mian also didn't bother to talk to her daughter. After dinner, she greeted her in-laws and drove with twins to Tianfuyuan.

"Zhi Xinyi." As soon as he entered the door, Zhixin picked up a cute baby and was comparable to the Hercules.

"Oh, I want to die."


"Go to the market to buy seafood for you."

"Amount... I’m going to eat the seafood, so don’t let her buy it.”

"I said, but she does not listen. Every time you come back to eat at home, you must prepare fish and shrimps, the old lady who is eccentric, and make me the same as the charge." Zhixin complained.

After entering the door, Huo Mian took the initiative to help her mother clean up the living room, wiped the floor and wiped the kitchen.

Pudding and Douding watch TV, eat snacks, and play well.

In the kitchen, Huo Mian wiped the grease on the range hood with rubber gloves.

Zhixin came in and walked to Huomian’s side, "Sister."


"Inside... I have something to say to you." Zhixin touched his nose.

"Say it." Huo Mian replied while rubbing.

"You don't work anymore. I am important to you. I have to be formal and you must listen carefully."

"Okay, you said."

Listening to the new words, Huo Mian smiled helplessly, took the gloves off, put them aside, and then washed their hands.

"Sister, I have been talking to Bella for a few days in the last few days."


"The matter of Zhang Manlin and my brother-in-law."

Huo Mian:......

"Zhang Manlin, you know, she is working under your nose now, she and my brother-in-law, I feel a little wrong."

"Zhi Xin, I have known your brother-in-law for many years. What kind of character he has, I know."

"I thought so before, but recently... there are quite a lot of rumors on the other side of the company. Bella is so savvy that people are not calm. I have asked me about this thing three times and five times. Let me tell you, raise a little vigilance, I I think you should take the time to look at your brother-in-law’s mobile phone recently. Wechat Riga did not add that woman, and did not give any red packets. These are all evidence.”

"And then? How did you find out, what did you find?"

"Amount... This is your own thing, what is the matter between your husband and wife, how do you decide that it is your business, but you can't trust our husband, regardless of our advice to you, I also believe that my brother-in-law is not like that. People, but people are clouds, everyone is saying, anyway, I listen to the trouble, after all, some things are not groundless."

"okay, I get it."

"Sister, you must be relieved about this."

"Well, I know, but you are not allowed to tell Mom, let Mom follow it, know?" Huo Mian warned.

"I know, this is not for you."

"What is not allowed to tell me? Two brothers and sisters are mysterious?" Yang Mei came in with a food bag.

"Ah, my sister recently spent more than 100,000 to buy a bag, I am afraid that you will feel bad about the money, let me tell you." Zhixin is also changing fast.

"Is that the case?" Yang Meimei looked at Zhixin and looked at Huo Mian again.

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