My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2532: People love Zhang Manlin (10)

Inside the office

Some of Huo Mian’s lost souls, when Chen Jie came in, he saw such a hibernation.

"Director, what's the matter?"

"Ah, nothing."

"No, you rarely have this expression, what's wrong? The early meeting will not go well? Or is there a lot of hospital problems recently, and the pressure is high? Is it necessary to tell the president Wu to give you a long vacation?"

Huo Mian shook his head. "It's not a long vacation, Xiao Jie, you said..."

"What's wrong?" Chen Jie took the initiative to pour a glass of water for Huo Mian.

"You said that Zhang Manlin is not a human being."

"Amount... good end, how do you say she is coming?"

"You talk about it." Huo Mian lowered his head and took a sip of water.

"I want to say, Zhang Manlin can have a chance, and on the surface, everyone likes it. In fact, who knows what she thinks, but she does not have a hippie smile with the male doctors. Deliberately keep the distance, when all the men are spare tires, messing around, such people, really can not say that people are loved, can only say that with a social flower, and between men and women, I am special Like her, I don't know what others think."

Chen Jie does not like Zhang Manlin. Many reasons are due to Huo Mian. It may be because of the relationship of Huo Mian, so she is suspected of rejecting her.

"After all, it’s a little girl, it’s normal to be a little careful. I’m too rigid... Colleagues, don’t you like me?”

For the first time, Huo Mian had doubts about his own life, and some were downcast.

"Of course not. Director, you have been here for a few years. How many people are watching you step by step. You really have the skills. Those who have complicated operations, who dare to go, you and those The main knife is working overtime, everyone is admiring you, you are promoted to be the vice president, and everyone is convinced."

“Is this really true?”

"Of course, you, don't think about it. If it is because of that woman, you don't have to understand it. How can she compare with you? You should never listen to the gossip in the hospital, gossip. Nine are unacceptable."


After Chen Jie went out, Su Yu knocked on the door.

"Small sleep."

"Ah, are you busy?"

"Well, I just forgot to tell you, I am in the morning, driving a red light and hitting her, so I don't feel free to send her to the hospital, in fact... not very familiar."

Su Yu did not know why, especially did not want Huo Mian misunderstood him and Zhang Manlin.

"Ah, it's okay, Xiao Zhang is not bad, she won't marry you."

"Well, that girl is a good heart and also jealous of me, so I am more uneasy, I want to see."

"Is it all right now?" Huo Mian asked.

"It's okay, the doctor said, it's a trauma, just keep it."

"That's good." Homonia nodded.

"You recently... sleep bad?" Su Yu looked down at Huo Mian.

"What do you say for you?"

"You have panda eyes." Su Yu laughed.

"Ah? Is there?" Huo Mian immediately took a small mirror from the drawer and took a photo.

Sure enough, dark circles are more serious, and the bags under the eyes are more obvious.

"It seems that I have been staying up late recently."

"So, don't you fight so much... pay attention to rest, workaholics."

"it is good."

"Then I will go out first, you are busy."


Su Yu nodded and went away.

Just a few steps away, I heard someone shouting behind him, "Su Yu, wait a minute."

He turned his head and saw Zhang Manlin limping towards him.

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