My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2558: Huo Siqian's temptation (6)

"Well." Huo Mian's word is admitted.

"It turned out to be like this... It seems that I want to be simple."

"Su Yu, I am fine, you don't have to worry."

"Fat, you are like this, can you still worry?"

Su Yu is rarely willing to get angry with Huo Mian, but this situation is another matter.

Huo Mian:......

"I asked you, is the question in the place of Zhang Manlin, as long as she is removed, is it solved?"

"What do you want to do? Su Yu, don't mess around." Huo Mian was frightened, how to listen to Su Yu's words, it seems a little scary.

"Why do I do, of course, I have to help my friends, and I have the opportunity to talk to him at Qin Chu. Don't be sad... I should go home these days, or the children will miss you."

"Well, I will go back to Nanshan Castle today."

"it is good."

"Su Yu, don't mess with Zhang Manlin, I am afraid that things will happen to be self-defeating. When Qin Chu thinks that I let you do it, the misunderstanding is getting deeper and deeper."

"I won't be so reckless, look at the situation."

"it is good."

After talking to Su Yu, Huo Mian was somewhat guilty and blamed.

Their husband and wife acted in the end, but they still involved the innocent Su Yu. At this time, there is no way to explain it.

Holmes Group Headquarters

Huo Siqian put down his headphones and listened to the conversation between Su Yu and Huo Mian, and fell into meditation again.

Listening to the contents of their conversation, Xiaomian really quarreled with Qin Chu, in troubles.

Su Yu is also anxious...

But these are, in the end, Xiaomian deliberately performed, or is it true?

Huo Siqian was originally a suspicious person, so he has been entangled in this, even if Zhang Manlin told him the true reaction of Qin Chu.

Even if there is an inside line in Nanshan Castle to monitor the actions of Huo Mian and Qin Chu, but he still can not worry.

After all, the last fight, the ace that has been raised for five years has been taken out.

If you lose again this time, there is really no place to turn over...


"A city, Ian has news?"

"Well, Master Ian has already returned to Pakistan. It is said that a very important group of arms sales have been mixed up."

"Okay, let him be busy, lest he always stare at me."

"Adult, when you are finished, take away Miss Huo, what about Ian? Will he let you go?"

"These are not problems. As long as Xiaomian is willing to leave with me, the rest can solve it." Huo Siqian seems to have a good idea.

When Huo Mian came home from work, as soon as he entered the door, the pudding rushed over and then cried with a wow.

"Doudou, what's wrong? Don't scare Mommy."

Huo Mian is also panicked, put down the bag and hug the diced bean.

"Mummy, how come you come back, I miss you, you quarrel with you, why are you leaving me and my sister, we are two... I really don't want to be black for you."

"The amount... Mommy is wrong, Mommy will not be."

"Sister?" Huo Mian looked around and found that the pudding was not at home.

"My sister was sent to Xiao Wei's house by the driver, and went to Wei Yunchu."

"Then why didn't you go?"

"Mummy, you are confused. I am going to go to Lingling’s aunt’s house. Gao Boyuan is my dish.”

Huo Mian:......

The children nowadays are really... Huo Mian listens to her daughter’s words and is so angry and funny.

Weijia Villa

"Budding, what happened to your mommy and your cockroaches?" Jiang Xiaowei asked the pudding while he was free.

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