My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2590: Huo Siqian's abnormality (eight)

"Nothing, Mom, I will pick up the children first."

"Where did the children go, why didn't they come back, didn't you go to the hot springs with you in the morning?" Qin asked.

"Well, I later received a phone call saying that Ning Ning and her boyfriend returned to China and went to have a meal together. It is estimated that they are crazy."

"Ningning is back? Your uncle agrees with them?" Qin mother is strange.

"I don't know, I haven't seen Ningning yet, I will see her and ask her."

"Okay, then you drive slowly, Xiaomian." The mother-in-law confessed.

Then Huo Mian drove out and called Su Yu and asked them directly where they were.

Sea fishing

When Huoming arrived, I saw that the twins were eating hot pot and the atmosphere was very good.

"Mummy is coming, waiter Auntie, give my mommy a new set of cutlery." Doudou will be pleased.

Huo Mian smiled and sat in the middle of the twins.

"Xunzi, I want to die of you." Qin Ning got up and gave Huo Mian a big hug.

"Xunzi, I haven't seen it for a few days, you are beautiful again." Tang Chuan said with a smile.

"Don't bullshit, what I am, I know, from small to big, beautiful words and I will not take the edge." Huo Mule.

"Yeah, Uncle Tang let you flatter, this is a shot on the horse's leg, haha, shameful, shame and shame." Douding ridiculed Tang Chuan.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be ah, when it comes to the gods skill of flattering, no one is like you, Bean Ding, you are a veritable flatterer."

"Amount...." Douding suddenly stopped.

"Uncle Tang, you are telling the truth." Pudding is God's knife.

"Aunt, look, they are uniting to bully me." Douding complained.

"You, talk to your child, don't lose people?" Qin Ning taught.

"Wife, you are right." Tang Chuan looked at Qin Ning's eyes full of love.

"Is it called my wife? It seems that the two of you have recently developed... I have done a lot of things that are not suitable for you?" Douding began to think dirty.

"No nonsense, your aunt, I...not that kind of person." Qin Ning is awkward.

"Qin Chu? Why didn't he come with you?" Su Yu looked at Huo Mian.

"Ah... he just got off work, there is still a lot of work to be done."

“Is there really a job to deal with? Or do you want to see someone else?” Su Yu seems to have something to say.

"Su Ye, what do you mean, is my wife's brother, the derailment has been implemented?" Tang Chuan continued to gossip.

"Roll, my brother is not such a person." Qin Ning immediately guarded short.

"I also feel that it is not such a person, Su Shuai, you can't make it, be careful, I will turn your face with you." Douding said.

"I am not rumored, I really feel that something is wrong recently, Qin Chu and Zhang Manlin." Su Yugang wants to fight for Huo Mian.

"Su Yu, this matter, don't be a child to say ..." Huo Mian immediately spoke.

Su Yu immediately understood what she meant and nodded...

Qin Ning was anxious and wanted to continue to ask, but he did not dare to speak again if he listened to the voice of the blind man.

Only the heart endured, when I was going home, talk to my brother alone.

A man who can miss his day and miss his wife and children, she does not believe that her brother will give up the woman who has been deeply loved for many years, and easily derailed. Presumably, is there a misunderstanding?

On the beach of an island in Indonesia

Luyan lay on the bench and drank the juice leisurely.

"Smoke, the trick is to sway all day under Ian's eyes. Is it really good?" Joe felt that this was too exciting.

Ming knows that Ian is in Indonesia all the year round. Lu smoke comes out of Pakistan and comes directly here. It is just a heartbeat.

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